X15 Problems


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Anybody seen these problems before? It doesnt end with the problems in the pictures either, If I do floor trusses it, creates a 3/4 x 3.5 inch osb truss and a floor truss, when I use automatic. When I manually draw a floor truss it only does the 3/4 osb and nothing else. Some foundation walls it only draws a sill plate across half of it, with no rhyme or reason that I can find not to draw the whole thing.  Thanks in advance 

Tina's and Kelvin's Residence-Rev 2 picture.pdfTina's and Kelvin's Residence-Rev 2picture2.pdfTina's and Kelvin's Residence-Rev 2 picture3.pdf

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Hard to say exactly what the issue is without a plan. I'm assuming the issue in the images is the white wall framing members. My best guess is a layer in your walls is marked to be a framing layer when it shouldn't be. That Framing checkbox indicates whether or not the program will attempt to build actual framing within that layer. That checkbox for wall layers can be found within the Wall Type, on a per layer basis within that wall type.


The floor trusses is probably a similar issue, that your OSB floor layer checked to be a framing layer within your floor structure. Unchecking that for the OSB layer should prevent the trusses building within it.

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