Vertically placed electrical symbols - how best handle in 2D


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newbie question:


In my geography, it is quite common to place multiple electrical switches vertically on walls. I have no trouble setting them at different heights, so it does look great in 3d.


However, this causes the 2d representation to have overlapping symbols. I can enhance the view by moving the visible labels so that they are overlapping. This helps with clarity. However, is there a way where I can move the visual electrical symbols in 2d a bit away from each other, and make an arrow or similar so that they still attach correctly to the 2d wall?


 I have made a very simple example in the drawing, depicting my ideal situation for 2d. When renderred in 3d, the two objects would be placed above each other with shared vertical center-line, as the two objects would be placed at different heights.


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