How to fix wall connections in off-angle corner walls to enable resizing the door


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Here's the issue I have - I have this weird corner case of walls with multiple angles. As shown in the image, the underlying CAD has a door and I just cannot resize the exterior door properly. I think it is because the walls on left and right just kind of run into the diagonal wall and block the resizing of the door. I tried editing wall intersections but that did not help. The side walls just snap back. Any ideas how to solve the issue? Right now CA allows me add a door with 339mm width, but I need 700mm width.

Screenshot 2019-03-07 at 16.45.41.png

Screenshot 2019-03-07 at 16.52.16.png

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4 hours ago, solver said:

Try drawing Room Divider walls where the red lines are.


Finally got it working (in a way) with room dividers and changing the wall thickness. Not 100% accurate - but good enough.


Thanks again Eric, for pointing to right direction!




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