Macro writing question


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How would I write a macro to give me the number of risers x the riser height for a flight of stairs? What I am attempting to do is give the total rise of the stair.

The "next_height" macro command does not work because it references the subfloor height which adds 3/4" more than the actual total rise of the stairs.

So what I want to do is multiply this,

number = riser_height


divisor = 1/16.to_f


a = ((number/divisor).round*divisor).divmod(12)


feet = a[0]


inches = a[1].floor


if a[1].modulo(1) == 0

fraction = ""



fraction = " #{a[1].modulo(1).rationalize}"



"#{feet}'-#{inches}#{fraction}\"".reverse.chomp("-'0").chomp(" 0").reverse.chomp("-0\"")


By this,



Thank you for any help with this, Bob

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