Create bonus over garage and maintain roof/gutter lines.


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I'm looking to create a bonus over the garage in a single-level home but do so in a way that doesn't skew the existing roof/gutter lines.  In the design's present state all the roof lines and gutters are uniform, but as soon as I add a very short second level and delete the auto-generated walls apart from those that surround the garage I'm presented with a gap in the roof lines where the garage's roof sits slightly higher.  I understand the additional framing for the floor above is causing this but is there a way to prevent it?  Since the garage ceiling is already a little taller anyway due to the rest of the house being on a crawl I'm not against even lowering the ceiling in the garage slightly if that's an appropriate action, but trying to plug in the right values to make it work is hurting my head a little.  Any guidance?

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Thanks, and yea, I understand that the additional overhead floor framing is causing the problem, but not how to solve it.  Do I raise the rest of the house up a little, or lower the garage first level down a little?  Are either appropriate actions in order to maintain contiguous roof/gutter lines?

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