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Everything posted by Briandesi

  1. Thanks for the steer towards Draftsight Michael. This program is exactly what I have been hoping to fimd.
  2. I store all of my generic details in a seperate plan, then I copy and paste the needed details into a CAD Detail of the plan I am working. From there I first edit then organize the details to how I would like them to appear on my layout, then I send to layout. This way My details are always associated to one plan, I do as little redrawing as possible, I only have one link on my layout to my details.
  3. I would like to thank everyone who chimed in for your help. I have a chronic illness and had a flare up that took me out of the rat race for longer than I would have liked. I know everyone is busy and the time that is donated out of your schedules is highly valued by those that turn to these forums for help (especially me). When I do submit a plan to the forums I delete everything i think that is unnecessary to the question posed so that my file is as small as possible as to not bog anyone down. Sorry if this caused any confusion, but I convinced myself into thinking I was doing those who would help me a favor. In the future I will not delete so much of the plan. Again Thanks Scott, Rosco, and Mike for your help
  4. Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll be giving draft sight a go.
  5. My biggest problem with the turbo cad designer is the fact that you have to go out of your way to save the file as a Dwg. If you simply perform a save, the program saves the file as a turbocad drawing, instead of a Dwg, which causes all kinds of problems. Does Designcad naturally save the file as a dwg? Do you know if it has a purge feature?
  6. I'm hunting for a cad program that I can work with my chief files in dwg form. I currently use turbocad designer 19, but I would like to have the ability to purge the file of unused layers. I would love to avoid purchasing the full auto cad, unless someone has an older version they would like to sell. If it is possible I would like to find a program that is also a one time sale, and not a yearly license. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hey everyone. I used to be a regular to these forums a couple years ago, but had to move to another job for a while to stay afloat. Well I'm back now and am getting my butt kicked. I have attached a plan that has a couple of issues. I used to be able to rock through most of these, but if anyone has time to shoot me a quick refresher I would appreciate it. 1. Wall at garage corner will not join properly 2. Cannot make my 8" post move to the end of the railing 3. Trouble making the post to beam line up correctly with the garage wall ( I believe this is affecting the frieze) 4. Frieze not showing on garage wall that meets the front porch 5. Copy and pasting the window on the right does not show the correct casing, (thats why my windows look different) 6. I'm sure who-ever can spot something to put here! 7. Dotted line above porch in perspective full overview I'm still working with x4, and will hopefully be upgrading soon. A video would be great, but I should be able to pick my way through notes. I no longer have ssa, so the chief videos are out. Thanks guys, and it feels good to be back behind the monitor! 422 chief.plan