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  1. Thanks so much to all that responded, especially Kbird1, using the fence/railing approach rather than the stairs for the railings and checking the Follow Stairs made all the difference!
  2. Yeah, vaguely remember this from before but couldn’t figure out how to. Same for this, thanks. Ok, so how is this railing in the middle of the stair?
  3. I have a brick stairs going up to a brick porch for which I want simple wrought iron railings. I am using the fence tools to create the railings for the porch (not wall tools) and the for the stair railings I'm using the railing, newels/balustrade, rail tools within the Exterior Staircase Specification. I cannot find a way to offset the stair railings into the brick stairs as the newels for this type are typically set with anchor cement into 2" borings in the brick treads, not attached on the sides of the stairs. I tried drawing the railing or fence over the stairs, that did not work. Design/Build Home Remodeler since 1985 Use iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015) using macOS Monterey 12.5.1 Use CA X12 Kirby Porch Cover from Scratch.pdf
  4. Trying to layout a tile job exactly using polyline solids for tile pieces. I am trying to grab and multiple copy a special bullnose polyline solid inside the doorway to the shower and no matter what technique I use and no matter what view I use, whether Cross Section/Elevation, Orthographic Floor Overview, or Full Camera, I can't get hold of the polyline solid bullnose because the doorway gets grabbed instead. The Select Next Object does not help either. Using CA 12. I think my iMac info is in my profile, etc. I can send views or even the entire file if necessary...? Shower Doorway Bullnose.pdf
  5. OMG my ChiefTalk Brothers and Sisters, the solution is so easy and fast it's not funny, can I get a witness!!! So that I never forget again here is how: (1) Delete Wall Framing -- go to Edit, Delete Objects, Framing/Check Wall Framing, and Delete (2) In plan view, select the wall or walls you want to show studs -- Right Click and select Build Framing for Selected Object(s). BUT this is not what I had before because I have deleted all the other wall framing in the process and the studs shown are not the special display layer, Framing, Wall Addition Studs, that I had set up before but rather the standard Framing, Wall. However, this fixes my current problem and so I'm not going worry about it until when and if I cross that bridge.
  6. Nope you got it wrong, want new addition walls to show studs but want preexisting walls to NOT show studs least I confuse the building officials as to what is being built and what is not. We didn't used to have to show this kind of detail to get a permit. I can remember back when I first started in 1985, one could literally create a plan with notebook paper and pencil while standing at the city's permit counter with one of the officials coaching.
  7. In response to all you good people: My problem with Auto Framing ON, makes sense to me and so I will continue to try to figure out how to fix the display once I get AF turned off, didn't realize AF could screw up layer things -- to myself, I say, Duh! The error message about the deck I have learned to ignore when I've got all the basic pre-existing structure as I need it, I turned it off for all my recent sessions. Here's the thing about CA for remodeling work, one has to just work around program obstacles to get what one wants. I dare say at least half of my time working a plan is devoted to attempting to get the existing structure close to virtual reality structurally speaking. Part of this is just good old OCD which makes for a slow draftsman as well as a slow carpenter I must admit. I was fairly proud of how I got that front entrance porch close to as built without too much time committed way back when. There was a weird, seemingly simple cantilevered flat roof cover over a former little side deck entrance that got deleted that I spent way more time on drawing. Ya just never know what little pain in the ass thing will suck up your precious time. This current one is a fine example, another 10 minutes of trying and I calling support as I tried to yesterday. Many thanks to you all!
  8. New plan with stud display problem. CT New Plan with Prob.plan
  9. OK, I think I removed any customer info so here you guys go, plans old. Next reply will have new plan due to 25MB limitation. BTW, Save As does not seem to be what created the problem. CT OLD Plan.plan
  10. I think so, if I can have a layer without studs showing in plan view on the preexisting walls at the same time as a layer with studs showing on addition walls as in the case in my screen shot.
  11. But where to I go, what do I do once I have grabbed them?
  12. I always think leaving the plan is TMI, plus don't want to subject myself to nit picking on unrelated issues or oneupmanship least there be some troublesome trolls on board. Plus privacy issues for myself, my business and my customers.
  13. Thank you for your effort, but it didn't make a difference since the wall definitions are identical because the new file was created by saving the old file under a different name. I did import them twice to be sure. I think the problem must arise out of the display options and some ability of the program to have walls display differently in plan view. I can change one of the old preexisting walls to a new addition wall and does not make a difference. I haven't stumbled onto the secret yet of course.
  14. A peculiar problem I visited once before months ago but I have forgotten how it was accomplished, it may well have been solved in a rush by calling support, I can't find a thread of mine here for it. Anyway, I had an addition plan where I could display the wall studs just for the addition in plan view (see attached screen shot). These studs are labeled "Framing, Wall Addition Studs" in the Default Set of the Layer Display Options. BUT when I saved this plan to another name so I could change it without messing up the first plan, the new plan view does not display "Framing, Wall Addition Studs" although the layer still exists in the Layer Display Options, the studs in the addition walls are now the standard "Framing Wall." There must have been some wholesale way that the Framing, Wall studs within the addition walls were changed to "Framing, Wall Addition Studs" because I'm sure I did not do it piece by piece?
  15. I desire to have a Polyline Solid and Brick Steps display on both First Floor and Foundation as does the screen porch slab. Possible? Please see attached screen shots. Thank you in advance for you kind people who contribute your time and expertise to help solve my problems, I assure you your input is much appreciated and respected!