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Everything posted by Greenster

  1. Hello, X8 Gurus! I have another question for you: How to create a Hedge and a driveway Gate (motorized) in a Plan? Is there a "Hedge Tool" under "Fences" or in Terrain that I can't find? I don't think so, but I might be wrong. Any ideas would be a help. I have included a pic from my SU model where it is in the right spot, etc. Thank you in avance, Greenster
  2. Sorry about that! First time user to this forum... I had thought it was uploaded, but alas, it wasn't! I uploaded another 2 screenshots, too. The middle is a similar finished faux buttress that we want to do something like. -Thanks!
  3. Hello X8 Gurus! I have a challenge for you... I'm curious to know if you have any ideas on how to create a faux buttress that only is attached to the exterior of the building (as part of a renovation) but DOES NOT protrude into the building. I call it a "Faux Buttress", because it is not functioning as a buttress, but merely providing a design element. The height is about 20' and the width is 2'. It follows the contour of the exterior surfaces of the building. It is a simple 2x4 construction with a rock pattern veneer on it. No extra load on roof needing any S.E. work. For the parts that sit on the roof, the flashing and meeting of the 2x4 construction and the existing roof are to be matched, keeping the current aesthetic, systems and materials. (Which are pretty standard ones on the existing.) I have had two different ways taught to me as to how to create it best. I'd like it to integrate into the Schedules, but that does sound pretty hard to do. I have also had another person say that simply using polylines to create it, are best. But if that is the best way to do it, then how to create it the best way there, is my question. Currently, it bleeds down in the the interior, so I am not sure how the last guy did it, but it is not right. Thus the request for your thoughts on how to do this best. Thank you, Greenster