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Everything posted by Randyc

  1. yes but i dont know how to create that is it explainable?
  2. ok remeber i didnt draw these i am just trying to create elevations if you look at a 3 d view they want the top roof line to come all the way down to and replace the lower roof on the front.. that make sense? rc.plan
  3. Thanks you all for the help... i added siding to exerior walls and it helped... still some problems to work out but its getting there... Thanks again Randy
  4. I was assigned this plan to work on and no one here knows why the second floor is floating? Any help would be appreciated.. Randy rc.plan
  5. my task is to add dormers to existing plan... anybody have a good tutorial on what I should do first to set them up.. remember I an newbie and don't know much.. at all they are to be placed in the attic above each post rc.plan
  6. Thank you very much Mr. Potter
  7. Mr. Hood Thanks for the reply, I am trying to make a shed dormer. So I don't want visible walls under there. any thoughts?
  8. can some one please explain what I have done wrong...my walls on my shed are not making it to the roof.. if you look in 3d? thank you Randy Untitled 2.plan
  9. Val F. Is this something preset in CA or do they have to be hand drawn?
  10. what is the terminology for what looks like a small section of the roof placed above a window
  11. I am trying to create an arched entry way with the brick lintel above. I need to know if there is a way to bend the lintel to fit the arch. because it isn't arched enough? i know my terminology may not be the best any advice would be appreciated. the arch was built with a pollyline solid
  12. thank you very much... I have allot to learn
  13. I placed a chimney cap on top of chimney. it shows up perspective vies but not in elevation view again any help would be appreciated Randy plan attached randy.plan
  14. dshall. can that be turned off or hidden?
  15. I just found how to turn off gutters... only been doing this a week!!! now if I can figure out what this is
  16. here is the plan... thanks for all the responses... and remember I am a newbie a computer guy that went to work for a plan drawing place randy.plan
  17. I am very new to this and need some answers please.. I drew the beams and added the gable roof over the beams.but I don't know what the two items are that i have circled in red.. i am a beginner and haven't had any training but my boss wants me to learn.. Any help would be appreciated Randy