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Posts posted by Doug_Park

  1. We don't specifically disallow saving to a network drive and actually do some things to make that faster. Your case is probably an error message coming from the system and should be easily correctable once you figure out your networking issue (our support team is not set up to deal with fixing your networking problems).

  2. You can use the SHIFT key to add to or remove from a group selection. Both marquee and single click add or remove objects from a selection. CTRL also works, but overides some of the selection filters, such as if you are in wall or cabinet mode allowing for some rather powerful techniques.


    For example if you want to delete everything from your plan but the walls.

    Get into wall mode then marquee select the area you want to work with. This will select only the walls. But you want to get rid of everything else. So hold down the CTRL key and do a marquee select of the same area. This will add everything to the selection while at the same time removing the walls from the selection. Remember that click or marquee select will either add or remove items from the current selection. At this point you have everything selected except the walls. Hit delete and enjoy having only walls left in the plan.

  3. I'm not sure how the "." got put in. On Unix (Mac) and Linux operating systems a dot at the start of a file signifies that it is normally hidden. I'm speculating here, but it seems like when the files are migrated to Windows the hidden attribute is being set. I'm not sure why the file chooser is showing them on Windows. You can set your explorer up to show hidden files. I normally run windows this way and there is a way to do the same on Mac. I don't recall the specifics of how to set that up though.

  4. Never knew that was there, I wonder how long its been around??


    I'm not sure exactly off the top of my head. But I think we added that circa version 10 maybe before, but it has been there for many versions. Making it more obvious would be good.

  5. Under normal circumstances, Chief should recognize that the USB device is ejectable and then do a save to a temporary location and a copy to the USB device. This should then approach the speed of copying using Windows Explorer. Some USB devices are horribly slow when doing random access IO, which we rely on to write recovery markers into our files so that minor file corruption doesn't always result in total loss of your data.


    This won't work if your temporary files folder is also located on an ejectable device.

  6. The click release drag click behavior is a mode that I have wanted to add to Chief since X1 when we redid the editing. It requires some thought as to how to make it work consistently and well throughout the program, but it has some obvious advantages if implemented correctly. We did add the alternate input behaviors for walls, and lines that sort of work the way you want, but they don't really help in the case of drawing 1 line/wall, so are not quite as nice as what you would like.

  7. I've been using Windows 10 for several weeks now. While I don't see any major flaws with it, I'm not overly impressed with the change. It seems reliable, but given the short time I've used it, I am still being cautious. I wouldn't encourage anyone to move to Windows 10. But I don't see any compelling reason to try to talk you out of it. There have been some notable issues that early adopters have hit, such as bad video and other drivers. I think for the most part those problems have been resolved, but given the very large range of hardware out there don't be surprised if you hit a snag on the upgrade.


    We think that Chief is solid on Windows 10. We don't have any evidence to suggest that there are any issues that aren't also issues on older operating systems. However, given the fairly short time that it has been out there it is possible that there are issues that have not been discovered. If you do find a problem with Chief using Windows 10 please let our support team know.

  8. The last several iterations of Intel graphics and low power CPUs have made it possible for some pretty impressive performance on tablets. I kind of expect that trend to continue. Intel has stepped up the quality of their graphics with each iteration to the point now where they are starting to compete well with ATI and NVIDIA. While we do still see from time to time driver issues on Intel, we also see them with the other vendors. I'm encouraged by this trend. I'm still not convinced that tablets, at least the way they are working today, are a good replacement for laptops, I am convinced that the future of CAD has to be stylus based. It is a very logical direction to go.

  9. Many of the snap settings can be toggled while you are dragging by hitting hot keys to turn them on and off. Some things can't, I don't recall the exact list. There is also the ability to hold down the S key to temporarily disable snapping as well. I think this is fairly well documented in the help so I would suggest looking there for more specifics.

  10. Doug my computer hangs up and slows down with a pdf file, quicken, Chief could mine be a memory problem. Thanks I am attaching what I think is my computer spec's


    The PDF of your computer specs appear to show a reasonably decent computer. However, it is impossible to answer your question with only that information. I would suggest you contact our support and work with them as there are probably at least a dozen or so questions that would need to be asked and answered in order to properly diagnose your issue.

  11. What freezes? The entire system or a specific program?


    What is your client doing when it freezes? Sometimes video drivers are a problem, especially if you are working in 3D.


    If the whole system is becoming unresponsive, my first guess would be the system is running out of real memory and going to the swap file.


    I'm assuming you are running Windows. You should bring up the task manager and monitor the use of memory to see if you have enough.


    Beyond that there are other potential problems, such as malware, or lack of disk space that could come into play. It is really hard to diagnose something like this without a lot more information.


    I would suggest contacting our support team to see if they can narrow down the cause of problem.

  12. CAD scaling is a departure from normal font scaling. What it does is to scale the text such the letter A is the height that you desire when measured from the bottom of the letter (baseline) to the top of the letter. Normal scaling goes from the baseline to the ascent which is often, but not always above the top of the A. This varies greatly depending on the font so is a very confusing topic. This sort of scaling is what most people who came from a hand drafting background would use. However, it is not at all like what someone coming from a background of publishing would use. Most people who use Chief probably want the CAD scaling, but we do offer the other option if that is your preference. It is much harder to get different fonts to look the same size if you are not using CAD scaling.

  13. And - did everybody catch a central point from Dermot:


    Annotation sets can have an effect when you create text, cad, dimensions etc. - they do not change them afterwards.  So once your text or dimensions are the text style that you want, font, size, layer, etc., that's it, you're fine.  They are a tool for getting there.  It's a bit like driving across town - this route or that route.  Once you get there, well there you are!  


    This is an important concept. Probably the first concept you need to understand in order to effectively use annotation sets. I like to think of these as "active default" sets.

  14. I would suggest working with our support team to try to track this down.


    The most likely thing  that I would suspect is some sort of third party software such as a malware scanner or something like Backup software that hooks the OS at a low level.

    I would also look at making sure all of your hardware drivers are up to date.


    Also make sure you have the latest update of Chief.

  15. by exploding a block this gets fixed it seems like there is something we might be able to do to make this work better. It would be good to forward the DXF/DWG file to our support team so that they can look at it. If it is a bug then we can then look into how to go about fixing it. If

  16. A question on how you work.


    When you save do you use the save command CTRL-S or do you often just close the plan and click yes when the dialog asks to you save?


    The reason I ask is that sometimes the code that tells the program that something has changed is not always hooked up correctly. Most of the time this works correctly because the design of how things hook into the program tries to ensure that this is correct. But in some cases, this falls through cracks. What you describe is clearly a bug that should be simple for us to fix. I'm assuming that the issue is related to this problem, but it may be something else.


    There is however a way of working that I would recommend to avoid this.


    Always save using the hot key for save before closing your plan rather than relying on the program to ask.


    This is actually a good technique for most software because it is a common problem for programs in general to not pick up on the need to save.

  17. More than likely the reason undo is faster is because when you upgraded the OS the temporary files are deleted. One the regular maintenance things that you must do on Windows to keep it responsive is to periodically delete the temporary files. This remains the same in Windows 10. Over time, if you don't do this, eventually the OS will start to become sluggish again as it has in the past because temporary files are not automatically cleaned up on Windows.

  18. I upgraded my dual boot, Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu machine. The only issue I had was that the Grub2 boot loader reported Windows 10 as Window 8. This is probably a bug with how Windows 10 installs.

  19. I finally bit the bullet and updated to Windows 10 on my primary development machine. So far it seems solid but unexciting in that it is not faster or otherwise noticeably improved from my point of view. Others will probably find some things to be an improvement. I expect that the start menu will not be as objectionable to many as it was in Windows 8. However, I've seen enough that I'm pretty sure that there will be plenty to complain about.


    From what I've heard drivers are probably your biggest risk in updating. I would suggest making sure that you have updated the drivers on your machine to drivers that support Windows 8 before attempting an upgrade.  Video drivers seem to have been one big area of failure. I updated my NVIDIA drivers before I upgraded and didn't have any issues with them.


    Over time I expect that Microsoft will provide more reliable drivers as they become aware of issues, but that could take some time.


    My advice for most people is to wait a few weeks or even a month or more to let things stabilize before upgrading. However, for those that are early adopters, I don't see any compelling reasons to avoid Windows 10.


    There is a lot to learn about this OS, so expect to devote some time to figuring out where things are and how to configure things to work best for you.

  20. I would be cautious with upgrading to Windows 10. We will do our best to support it, but given that it is now a moving target new issues are likely to show up well before we have a chance to find and correct them. This means that you, our customers, will likely be the first to see issues. Please let us know of any problems that crop up.

  21. This isn't quite the same thing. However, you can hold the "x" key down then click and drag a corner handle to resize the text. This will change the size of the font so that things fit the new size, but it won't change the kerning between letters to squeeze the text into the smaller space. Depending on your desired result, this might actually be preferable. Still it isn't the same. What you are asking for would be a nice addition.