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Everything posted by DMedina

  1. Thanks Mick I am going crazy! I shall try with your version again!!!! You are an artist! BTW, I did use the interior dimensions to make them accurate... I must have screwed up!
  2. I must be the silliest person around! Bear with me since I have only been using the software for a couple of months! I enclose what I have done but the roof planes seem to not match... I have gone through your plan 100 times but can0t figure out how you did it! Once I get it I will never forget how to do it! Liz 3.plan
  3. Thanks so much! It's actually centimeters LOL That's the downside of working in the UK and being a native Spaniard! We work in metric!
  4. Thanks so much all of you... Mick, I was doing that but couldn't make it work! you are amazing!!!!! I'm using CA Premier X7...
  5. Hi all! First of all I would like to thank you in advanced for reading my post! I am currently working on a very small project (the redesign of an en-suite bathroom) but its representation in CA is driving me crazy! I have tried loads of different options but none seems to work the way I want it too! The thing is, this bathroom is on the second floor of the building, which is a one and a half floor. It fits right under the gable of the roof but still has a bit of ceiling which is flat... I am really bad at explaining myself! Thus, I enclose a hand drawn plan (on the day of the visit) with the measurements (in cm) to see whether anyone can help me draw this room in particular. Every time I try to use roof planes it's just a mess! I mean, I am not drawing the whole house and in AutoCAD is very simple to draw this but I can't seem to manage to get it right here! What I'm struggling with is getting the angled plane + the flat ceiling (and all of them at the right distance from the floor (i.e: 56cm for the lowest wall and 233 for the opposite wall!) Again, thanks for your help!