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  1. I am the owner of a home building firm in the Chicago area. We will build 100+ homes next year. We offer 22 home designs...each with 3-4 elevations. In addition, each home has several structural options that we offer: I spend a lot of time on our plans and it is taking me away from the main business management part of my job. I hired a full-time drafter about 6 months ago, and she is doing well and learning pretty quickly....but we still need more help. I am looking for someone that my drafter can consult with on modeling issues, code compliance issues, permit review letters etc... I am also looking for someone who can help us improve our processes for Light and Vent Schedules, Roof Vent Calcs. Electrical Panel Diagrams and automating and managing our construction details.
  2. How can I display both 1st floor (i.e. porch, garage etc...) roofs at the same time as displaying my main second floor roof? In the past I have drawn the lower roof with cad lines but I am sure there is a better way. Thanks Aladdin
  3. Since upgrading from X8 to X9, a change in how foundation wing walls are handled has come up. I used to be able to use the standard foundation wall tool to draw a wing wall to support a stoop off of a sliding door for instance. The foundation wall would stop just below the door on the elevation views. Since upgrading to X9, all wing walls - including those drawn on previous versions - now extend to the top of the first floor wall. Screenshot below. Any help would be great....I resorted to drawing my wing walls with Cad symbols for now on the floorplan, but those dont show up at all in elevation views and since it was working before, I hope it can work again.
  4. Thanks so much for the replys. I will forward on to my artist.
  5. Hello, I am working with a digital artist on creating some photo realistic renderings for my homebuilding company. I was able to successfully export to 3ds format and the model was completely in tact. However the artist asked if I can separate the export 'by color or texture. Here is his email which may explain it better. "Can you check if there is some setting which will allow you to export by color/material so while exporting it will cut objects by their colors or textures. Currently all materials and textures are combined together and it takes me a lot of additional time to separate them. "
  6. I am a homebuilder and I need to raytrace about 30 different plans for our new website and marketing materials. I am looking to pin down the best settings that I can use on every plan. Here is the best result I have been able to achieve so far. I brightened up a touch in Photoshop and also used the blur brush a little too heavily trying to blend the backgorund. Please critique and help me improve the quality of this raytrace. While passable, its nowhere near the quality of some of the raytraces out there. Thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Working remotely is fine and all plans are in x6.
  8. We are a homebuilder in the Chicago and area and we have been using chief to draw our plans for many years. We have about ten designs with 3 or 4 elevations each. All of the plans are in chief format now but since we have had different people drafting them over time, they are not standardized at all. We are looking for someone to clean up all of our models and plans and create new master sets of drawings for all ten plans with corresponding elevations. We need this done within the next 30 days, so about 2 sets per week. We can split it up between two or three firms but would prefer for one firm to handle it. Email Looking to hire immediately so please only respond of you have time to take on project right away.
  9. I am a homebuilder out of the Chicago area. We build around 50 homes per year and I need help completing my plans in Chief Architect. I am currently using Chief Architect X6. I have quite a bit of work that I want to get completed as soon as possible. Please either message me here or email me at if interested. Thanks