So I’m having an issue with the arrow attachment to objects. When I copy the arrow to different places on my detail, and then delete the original object the first arrow was attached to, it deletes all the copied arrows too. I just deleted a CAD block and lost 5 arrows of my detail. Is there an option to turn off the attachment of arrows to objects? The only thing I saw in the help says, “Lines with arrows can be attached to other objects. They attach to a closed polyline-based object along its edges, but can attach to an architectural object anywhere within its 2D symbol in floor plan view. If an arrow is attached to another object, deleting that object will also delete the arrow.” It seems that even though I’m copying the arrow to a new location it still stays attached to the original object, unless I move the arrow head to attach to a new object and even then it doesn’t always seem to work. I would just as soon not have arrows attach to anything.