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  1. I need to take the time/notes from the time tracker in Chief and ultimately convert it into Quickbooks. From everything I'm reading, this can't be done in one step so I'm hoping I can at least export the info from the tracker into a Excel sheet/file. Anyone have any insight? Thanks!
  2. I just didn't look far enough...I see where I can select fractional inches or decimals..... Thanks
  3. I In the General CAD Display Line Length Format, when I click to define the Line Length Format, it doesn't have decimal feet as an option..... I know that I had it working on another plan, and I thought that it was somehow tied to the selection in the Number Style dialog, but apparently that isn't the case. Any other options?
  4. Thanks Chris, but the Number Style dialog didn't affect the dimensions. (See attached screenshot). I was able to get it to show when I change it through the Default settings > CAD > Number style, but I'm guessing that changed it globally when I just want it that way for the site plan..... Also, there isn't a "smaller box" available next to the dimensions on the polyline.... Do I have some default setting not showing that? Thanks again!
  5. Can anyone help me with getting the dimensions to show in Decimal Feet rather than Feet, fractional inches? I have Decimal Feet selected in the Number Style dialog, but no change..... While we are at it, is there any way to show the dimension/angle at either end of the line rather than at it's midpoint? Finally, is there a way to show all digits on a quadrant bearing when one of the values is "00"? Thanks for the help!
  6. Thanks Eric. That sounds like that'll work.
  7. Thanks for your quick response. I already have that set, but the file path for the libraries is still pointed to the C drive.... See pic. Any other thoughts...... Thanks again, Mike
  8. The computer that I use has a solid state "C" drive that is filling up, so I moved my core library to my "D" drive. When I go into "Preferences" ---> "Folders" ---> "Program paths" I can see that Chief is still tied to the old location on the "C" drive. Unfortunately I can't select the path to correct it.......... I'm using X8. Any thoughts? Thanks, Mike