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Everything posted by Lucmos

  1. Thanks glennw I'm not sure because internal_area return only 2 decimals. If anyone has a clue how to achieve this, it would be nice. Time to go to sleep here Thanks
  2. I think I found the bug : my computer's region decimal separator is a , if I put a . (dot) it works... Well that's a nice bug easily fixable by the CA's team, now I still miss a better precision in labels... Thanks everybody for your help ;-)
  3. Hi, I can't save plans with the trial version. But, I've changed nothing in settings, even reinstalled CA but I've the same behaviour. Do you have changed a particular setting ?
  4. I'm not a customer as I only have downloaded the trial version, for evaluations purposes, and sure, I won't buy it. Still, I'm astonished that nobody actually reported this until now and that people are working with such a defect. Thanks anyways
  5. thanks Joe The room finsih schedule doesn't add the decimals in the total (in my exemple, 14 + 70 + 9 = 93) this is insane ! I can't believe everyone is ok with that ! How can I calculate the total rooms interior area with better precision with ruby ? Have you some exemples ? how to loop through all rooms ? ps : even with ruby, internal_area return only 2 (rounded) decimals... I guess I'll look elsewhere, CA is not capable of better precision.
  6. Hi, it's in the Room Finish Schedule, the total row is showing false sum: Also,I want better precision for areas, both in the room finish schedule and in rooms labels (tax are calculated based on area) Thanks
  7. Hi, I'm evaluating CA X7 right now and found that rooms finish total calculation is wrong, it seems that decimals are not added, which lead to massive differences in the end ! Also, I would like to have better precision in area calculation as it seems the results are rounded. Is it a bug or a wrong setting ?