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Everything posted by dr0591

  1. Dennis, for my work it doesn't matter what it looks like in plan view!! It just has to "look right" for visualization purposes.
  2. I was able to accomplish almost everything I needed using the X7 "split horizontally" and "split vertically" functions. I still had to embed the cabinet into the back wall a bit to be able to get the tongue and groove paneling, though. Used a custom countertop for the bench seat.
  3. I would really like an option to make a backless cabinet. I frequently want the wall texture to show behind a cabinet, and I just don't feel right about burying the back of the cabinet a couple of inches into the wall to achieve that look. :-) It doesn't seem like adding a checkbox for "Backless Cabinet" would be that hard, programming-wise, does it?
  4. Thanks, everyone. Entering the metric numbers and having them automatically convert to inches seems to have done the trick. There was some finagling with terrain holes involved to get things looking reasonable on the side with steps leading down to a sunken patio, but the client is happy and says this looks correct to him. Even after all these years, terrain is still a PITA for me and I spend way too much time getting it right. :-( Thanks for your help!
  5. This is a great answer! But how do I keep the house itself from sinking 100 feet below the terrain? How do you re-set the zero point of the ground floor to place it at 334.84 meters? Maybe this is obvious, but I don't think I've ever had to do this.
  6. Hi Chief friends, I'm in a quandary. I have a very extensive 10,000 sf plan drawn up for a client in Canada. The plan dimensions that I worked from to draw the house are in inches, so that's what I used. But now I've received the site plan to add the terrain, and all the elevation points are in meters. Can someone advise on how to combine these two to be able to get accurate terrain? Can I somehow convert the plan default dimensions to meters, but have the house retain its correct size? Any advice on how to deal with this would be appreciated! Kathleen
  7. Re: 3D warehouse items -- it helps if, when you import, you change the origin coordinates 0, 0, 0. This doesn't fix every problem, but can make them easier to work with.
  8. Hi everyone! Haven't been around CT much in awhile, but I'm glad to see this old thread had been resurrected again. I can't figure out how to post images from my phone, but you can see some of my recent stuff in the slideshow on my homepage: http://castleview3d.com I'll create a portfolio or post some other images soon. Kathleen
  9. Hi, nkruger. You posted this several weeks ago, and so you've probably found someone by now. But if not, I live in Rochester, NY, and would be happy to help out. Let me know if you still need someone. Kathleen Moore CastleView3D.com
  10. This is pretty funky, isn't it? And this happens on a fairly regular basis. :-(
  11. Still getting this weird camera thing occasionally. Seems that maybe it happens when switching between a cross-section view and a full camera view. Sometimes I can return to the saved camera location/settings by closing the view without saving, sometimes I can't (i.e., when I re-open the saved camera, the view is just like this one).
  12. Thanks, Glenn. I checked this setting and it was already unchecked, so it's not that. It hasn't happened again lately, so maybe it was just some mysterious user error.
  13. I work very hard to set up the exact camera view I want, and then carefully save the camera after double-checking its settings. Now all of a sudden saved cameras aren't reopening correctly -- even though the settings look correct, the view is way zoomed out or in. Sometimes it disappears entirely and I have to start all over again! What's up with that? This is VERY frustrating.
  14. Turns out that the bed symbol itself had gotten corrupted somehow. When I copied the symbol into the new plan from the previous plan, everything was fine. So all's well that ends well, I guess.
  15. I'm really scratching my head on this one. I'm working on a bedroom (see camera view below). When I do a quick raytrace to check the lighting, I get a weird mishmash of letters or something!! I narrowed the problem down to the bed -- when I hide the bed, the room raytraces normally. Now the bed symbol is admittedly very large and complex (downloaded from somewhere, 68,000 faces). BUT I'VE USED THIS BED BEFORE WITH NO PROBLEM!! To make sure, I just re-ran a raytrace of an old project using this bed, and all is well. So what the heck is happening here???? Any clue?