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Posts posted by dr0591

  1. On 3/30/2018 at 1:38 PM, Rosco2017 said:

    Stunning as always. What is the name of the grey paint color in the 3rd pic? I love it!


    Sorry, it took me awhile to get back to this file and look up the name of the paint color.  It's Benjamin Moore OC-27 Balboa Mist.  



    Thanks for the compliment.  :-)

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  2. Hi all!  I haven't shared anything here for awhile, so thought I'd post a couple of recent modeling/rendering projects -- two kitchens and a storage building. 


    All were modeled in Chief (X9 and X10), including some of the furniture and lighting fixtures.  Rendering was done in Thea, with slight post adjustments in Photoshop. The storage building was photoshopped into the client's site photo, since the Nantucket planning board was concerned about how the building would affect the local streetscape.

    kitchen view west FINAL.jpg

    SE view photo merge rev building 021218 - FINAL APPROVED.jpg


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  3. 18 minutes ago, bptsquare said:

    hello..awesome work!

    i am a small business owner and just getting to know the program.  3d seems to be whats "in" all of the sudden.

    if you dont mind me asking...what do you charge for those type of renderings?  do you train newbies at all?



    Thanks, BPT!  I think 3D has been "in" for at least 9-10 years, since that's how long ago I started my rendering business.  :-)


    On most projects I charge by the hour, so the cost depends on how detailed/large the project is, and how much of my "beautification" work the model needs to become awesome.  I give Chief users a special price break when they send me their Chief model to render.


    I'd be happy to provide some tutoring if you're interested.  Email is the best way to reach me.



  4. I'm trying to create a podium with nice cove indentations at the corners -- like the first image below, only rounded.  I thought I could do this using polyline subtraction, as shown in the second image (the pink is what I want to be subtracted).  But there doesn't seem to be a way to accomplish this with the cylinder and dome shapes from the library.  Any other suggestions for how to accomplish this?


    podium - square corner.jpg   

    podium - cove corner.jpg

  5. Hi Chiefers!


    I know that CA X8 has really improved its out-of-the-box rendering capabilities.  But sometimes you just don't have the time or patience to fiddle around with all the nuances of producing a great -- not just OK -- rendering.  That's my job!!  I've been perfecting my rendering skills since 2007, and I'd be happy to turn your plans into awesome visuals.


    And decorating!  Who has the time or interest for that?  Me, that's who!  I can finish your interiors to your specifications or use my own excellent taste to stage your rooms and spaces in the most appealing way.


    So let me know how I can help your projects really WOW.  To sweeten the deal, I'll even give anyone who mentions ChiefTalk my 15% "friends-and-family" discount -- that's right, we're all family on ChiefTalk.  :-)


    Below are a few examples of my work.  Visit my website, http://castleview3d.com, to see more.


    Hope to hear from you soon,























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  6. Thanks so much.  I could indeed open this version in X8.  It looked fine in plan view, but there was nothing there in 3D.  And while I typically just trace over the walls etc. in a CAD plan in Chief, this one involved a bunch of custom equipment saved as CAD blocks.  No way I can recreate all that. So I'll have to pass on this project.


    Thanks again for your help.  :-)

  7. Here's DWG file that gives me the error message.  This was created in AutoCAD 2016. The client also sent me the file saved as AutoCAD 2010, but I got the same error message with that one too.


    Let me know if you can figure out what the problem is!


    3D dwg file.zip

  8. I'm trying to import a DWG file from a potential client and I got an error message Teigha Library Error 62.


    I don't often try to import CAD files, so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.  Any suggestions?



  9. Thanks, David.  I had tried re-drawing the wall, and the gap kept coming back.  So I just copied the other railing into that spot, and so far it's behaving.  But with Chief, since I don't really understand what's causing this, if I breathe on it wrong, it could reappear!  Keep your fingers crossed.

  10. If I could offer my bit of constructive criticism on something I often struggle with myself, I would say go with a different shingle texture. (or different bump map).   The shingles look homogeneous and are flat enough that you can begin to see the repeat in the pattern.


    Justin, thanks for the advice.  I'm not crazy about this roof material, but it's what the client wanted.  It's not shingles, but clay roof tiles (flat, not barrel).  A bump map definitely could have helped it out a bit, not sure why I didn't think to do that.  

  11. Good stuff...... Do you miss practicing doctor hood or are you having too much fun? Remember when you changed careers?


    I do indeed remember, Scott.  I started my rendering business part-time in 2007, and then left my full-time job as associate provost at the University of Rochester in 2011 to do this full-time!  Quite a life change, and not one I'm likely to forget any time soon.  I still love what I do and don't miss being a shrink or a university administrator one bit.  Well, maybe the money.  Just a little bit.  But it's worth it not to have to deal with alarm clocks or endless committee meetings or prima donna faculty members any more.  ;-)

  12. Some of you have already seen this, but I don't think I've shared my latest modeling/rendering project here on Chieftalk yet.  This is a townhome development and clubhouse for a builder in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.  This was modeled in X7 from the builders plans and landscape/site plan, and rendered in Thea.



  13. Here's my first attempt at combining a Chief render with an existing photo.  The client was having an open house to sell his home on Nantucket, and thought having a nice slot-edge pool in the backyard might be a selling point (pool plans already drawn up and permitted but not yet built).  


    Pool and bluestone decking modeled and rendered in Chief, then blended with Photoshop into the client's photo of the view of the cabana from the back porch.  Not crazy about the porch overhang in the photo, but that's what he wanted to show.  He plans to print this up at 11x17 and display it prominently at the open house tomorrow.  Hope it helps him sell!


    I have to say that getting the perspective and reflection right was a big pain.  It's still not quite right.  :-/
