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Everything posted by AM2184

  1. Hi, It's me again, struggling with tiles. If I want to add this tile on the face of this island, how would you do it? It's a 150cm X 90 cm tile. See attachment. I'm also thinking of adding the tiles to the backsplash over the oven. I really don't know how to do it with this tiles format on Chief. Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Can you or someone else can tell me the difference between the scale in pattern and the scale in texture. The scale in pattern is the size of the tile right? what's about the scale in texture?
  3. Thank you for your answer. I'll keep you posted.
  4. HI, I would like to create a new materials with this terrazzo tile pic. It's a 90cm X 90 cm tiles. I added it to my library, but for a 28" length walls, it gave me a tile and a part of tile. I would love it to give me just one tile ( in width ) for a wall smaller of its size. Is that possible? Thank you for your help.