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Posts posted by westvale

  1. Hello friends, I'm using this material on my cabinet design and it's scaling with each door/drawer differently.  I've taken the Adjust Material Definition tool and tried to fix it by checking "retain aspect ratio" in the Scale section but it didn't fix the issue.  The material in Chief is called Corduroy Beige.  Anyone know how to fix this? Here's a photo of the issue and a photo of the style I'm trying to achieve. 

    537736001_Screenshot2024-05-15at10_42_57AM.thumb.png.8d42ebdcb75043aafbba64f100fdd1fd.png 921620229_Screenshot2024-05-15at10_45_51AM.thumb.png.605ae6819a6b8a6094e10af316247626.png

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  2. I'm pretty sure I did as you said, and it looks as it should, but mine doesn't appear to be working... windows are still not see through. They used to be when I was working in this file earlier, but not today. 


  3. Hi Scott, thank you for your suggestion, however I don't quite understand what you mean. I know what material painter is and how to select component mode, but I don't understand how that changes the direction of the flooring on the riser.  I tried it, selecting the material on the tread and "painting" it on the riser, but that didn't change anything. I did try changing the direction of the material but it changed it on both the tread and the riser. 

  4. Hello, I want to print my drawings on 13x19 paper, aka Super-B.  I setup my layout file at that size, but the print dialogue box, doesn't give me that option despite my printer having this print size ability.  I noticed if I don't select my printer as the destination and instead select "Chief Architect Save as PDF" I do get the Super-B paper size option. Anyone know how to fix this?


  5. Hello! I'm an interior designer and I'm creating an as-built plan for a renovation.  I'd like my auto dimensions to locate interior walls only, not exterior.  I've searched through the auto dimension settings and can't figure out how to change it to only locate interior wall surfaces.  Can anyone tell me what setting to change?

  6. Hello everyone, I attempted my first CPU ray trace and it doesn't look great.  Yes, I have watched a couple videos on this (and I will be watching more).  I'm just wondering if anyone can offer tips on how to make this look better.  My biggest complaint is the white siding is washed out and the shadows are way too dark. The perspective full overview looks better than the ray trace. (Please ignore the wonky roof, I'm still trying to figure out how to fix that!).
