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Everything posted by SkyJubilee

  1. I added the component name to the description, to keep all data in one place if we ever need to change out the component.
  2. Thank you for responding promptly (Do you go by Rene, Mr. Rabbit, or something else?). I've spent the last few days taking it all in. My main goal is to setup my templates to calculate true material list ready for uploading to BuilderTrend for ordering materials and eliminate the take-off step. Based on the Forum histories, I understand it's a bit of a tall mountain to move. The first step to achieving this is to store values globally for calling up later, which I was attempting to do by calling a Macro that was expecting a parameter. It worked for the label when pulled from a custom object field, but not anywhere else. I posted my question before reading Chapter 43 of the manual that you pointed me to, and now I have figured out a better way. I started with creating an Array Macro. This provides me a single place to update the values of the material we use (the name starts with an underscore to keep it at the top because in the future it should be the only one I need to edit): I then created individual Ruby Macros (evaluated) to call the needed values in other areas: And I made the desired Text Macro (non-evaluated) to provide the label (I actually split it into 2 text macros, as you may notice later): I created Custom Object Fields to import the text Macros (based on forum complaints of COF names showing up in all places, I started the names with an object identifier): I needed the COF because it was the only way I could figure out how to get a non-evaluated macro to show up in the Component Label field: I updated the Count to "=((steel_mesh_area)/macros.valWireMeshUsableArea).ceil" and results are what I want: One component down, a couple hundred to go! I hope this walk-through can help others.
  3. Hello, 1) Please advise on where to find the library on CA Ruby parameters & methods. For example, how is num_foundation_bolts calculated? I lost several hours trying to figure out how to call Custom Object Fields, only to discover that it was custom_fields["Custom Name"] from a screenshot in an old forum post. Where is that officially documented? 2) I created a User-Defined Macro named "paramsRebar". Please refer to attached screenshot for its parameters. I set it up to store all required parameters of rebar in order to have a single place to update settings. I used Custom Object Fields to return the required parameter as an integer. When I call "=custom_fields["SlabWithFooting.NumBarRuns"]" within Label or Comment, it returns 2 as expected, but when I call the same value within Count, Extra, Price, Markup%, Labor, or Equipment, it returns Evaluation Error. Also, "=macros.paramsRebar("runs")" and "=macros.paramsRebar("runs").to_i" return Evaluation Error within all fields, including Comment & Label. Please advise on how to fix this. Thanks!
  4. I have been trying to figure out why the posts on the front and back porches don't reach the rood over them. I am very new to chief. Any ideas why it's doing this? and how to fix it?