Have other people been having problems with text in X6? I use mainly rich text, so I don't know if the issues apply to regular text or not, but here are some of the issues that I have encountered:
1. In X5 I made rich text room labels that had bold, underlined, and capitalized room names w/ nonbolded, and non underlined room dimensions underneath. This was not possible (not that I could find) within CA, so I did it by using MS Word. To get the %room.name% and the %room.dimensions% to show up capitalized in CA, I typed them in lower case in Word, then used Word's formatting tools to capitalize the text. When copied into CA the label remained capitalized, but CA recognized the variables properly, because the were really created in lower case. But, in X6 the text labels no longer maintain the capitalization. I can't create the look and functionality that I used to in X5.
2. In X5 I used to have a long text box that had something similar to a keynote list. The document was originally created in MS Word using an abbreviated word followed by an indented descriptive paragraph. The paragraph was a hanging indented paragraph. This copied into X5 perfectly. Not so in X6. The hanging indent is completely gone and the document and list are completely useless.
3. In X6 all of my text items grew slightly in length. It seems that every string of text has a slightly larger vertical space UNDER the string of text. I use the Chief Blueprint font which has always had a small amount of space around the text (presumably all of the fonts do), but now there is more space below the text. This has messed up a lot of my notations, because in previous versions I had a created a top and bottom space on my text strings that allowed me to connect them to one another and have a nice separation between them while maintaining a perfect consistency on the details. Every string is now out of sync with the others.
4. The latest problem that I just encountered prompted me to make this post. I have a text entity that had a list of framing notes which were each short line wrapping paragraphs. The paragraphs displayed strangely and I was unable to correct it. I had to retype most of the notes. Some of the paragraphs, but not all of them were showing a greater space between the first line of the paragraph than the remaining lines of the paragraph. I changed the line spacing of the entire list of notes, and it shifted all of the lines, but the problem lines were still larger than the others! I tried erasing portions of the text to change where the line wrap occurred, but to no avail. Also, when editing the text in the pop up menu, more paragraphs appeared to have the problem than appeared on the drawing when the text menu was saved and closed.
I don't know if all of the above made sense, but it seems to me that X6 really screwed up the text objects, or I am suddenly screwed up. But, I have not had such problems with X3-X5. Is anyone else seeing this stuff? Anyone know how to correct this behavior?