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  1. Hahaha I'm just glad somebody noticed it and didn't think it was a misspelling lol I also appreciate the phonetics behind your handle!
  2. Thanks Solver - yep, you figured it out... although at first I wasn't quite understanding what you meant and I was sure I hadn't replaced my main layer with siding... so I popped into my Wall definition to take a screenshot for the thread and then I saw what you were talking about. You didn't mean that I had *replaced* my main layer with siding... right there on my siding layer, I had checked the box for "Framing".... so I will uncheck that now. Posting a screenshot for anyone else who might be struggling with this. Which leads me to trying to understand this further. I also had the "Framing" checkbox checked on my main layer for Fir Framing. I am curious why they would allow you to check it on two layers - or why you would want your siding layer to have the option to be framing? Thanks for figuring it out!!
  3. I built a simple model just now - a small shed with 4 walls and gable roof. I made a few changes to the roof structure - like removing the fascias and soffit to show the shed in 3D as it will actually look once built. I built roof and wall framing in Chief, deleted the drywall layer in the wall type... and changed the room type to "slab"... and when I did a perspective full overview and viewed , I noticed something weird happening with the exterior siding. Using x15 - and the default Residential template. Curious where I went wrong. Posting screenshot and zipped plan file. Shed with siding issue.zip