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  1. Thank you Eric! That was so simple. I really appreciate your help. Many thanks!!!
  2. For some reason I can't get the perspective framing overview to show any wall framing, instead it shows the wall surface (stucco, siding, etc) whatever is selected. I have done a previous plan and it displays the framing no problem. I have no clue what setting is wrong but it appears to be the same as the previous plan and it still does not work. "Walls, layers" are on, all the selections are identical to the other 3D Framing Layer Set that in a different design that shows the wall framing. gvec-9.plan Any help would be appreciated!!! Version X15 gvec-9.plan
  3. The wall layers are on and I double checked that they are several times.
  4. For some reason I can't get the perspective framing overview to show any wall framing, instead it shows the wall surface (stucco, siding, etc) whatever is selected. I have done a previous plan and it displays the framing no problem. I have no clue what setting is wrong but it appears to be the same as the previous plan and it still does not work. Any help would be appreciated!!!