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Posts posted by ThomasR89

  1. Hi guys. I've attached a .plan file here.


    I have the layout of the first floor done. Here's what I'm needing help with.


    -A second floor added with an 'open to below' foyer, game room, and dining room.

    -A 12/12 pitch roof.

    -The stairs to connect to the second floor with a balcony wrapping the back side of the living room.


    Could anyone give me a rough estimate of the time and cost for that?

    Carr2 - Copy3.plan

  2. Hey Kbird1, Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate it so much.


    I'm trying to work my through everyone's instructions. And here's where I am so far. I got the walls right, I made the roof on the little dining pop-out smaller, as it was too big. I also gave the floor plan one final edit to make a bigger closet.


    I still want the barrel roof above that tall window but I've tried a few different methods and each one comes with problems, none are correct. The roof is still not right, though the pitch is.


    And I'm going to include another pic here but its from an edit animation so its light. But essentially I would like to inward game room windows to rise up into the roof too and the top row to follow that shape.


    If anyone can help me out with some instructions that would be amazing, perhaps then I can move onto the second floor and the staircase as I know I'll struggle there too. Though I am excited to learn!



    Untitled 5.jpg


    Carr2 - Copy.plan

  3. I updated to X15  so I could view the file, But in making some layout changes I have managed to mess the roof up completely. I have spent time watching YouTube videos looking for an answer but it just seems I'm having trouble. Anyone have any idea whats going on? I'm just trying to create a good 12/12 hip roof all around, saving for the few places I want a specific look... And also I have no idea how to make those wood strips at the front into brick.


    Its so frustrating to not be able to get this right.


    I would truly appreciate any help.

    Untitled 3.jpg


  4. Hi guys. I'm very to the software and am completely self-learning. I'm designing a house now but am looking to create a barrel exterior roof that rises into the hip about 5 feet in a specific part of the plan but for the life of me I cannot get it right. Not to mention how truly messed up the "Auto roof" has left. And since I haven't learned that part yet I was hoping you guys might be able to give me some insight.


    Here is what I'm looking for.




    And here is where I would like it in this plan.



    I'm going to attach the plan here. Could anyone help me out?



    Confused In Carolina
