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  1. Ok, well I feel like an idiot. For some reason, my concentric resize wasn't working with the C button, so I changed it to a hotkey and assigned the C button to it. It gave me a warning about the default changing, but I thought I would try it anyway. Now, The icon will not go away, and I can't figure out how to fix it, can anyone help, thanks!
  2. Thanks everyone! All of our stuff is using the Rich text, so I will be changing that up on our Templates. I am curious, Is there a way to group select everything that is rich text and change it to plan text? Or will I either need to do everything manually, or live with it on some of our current plans? Also, why are there different text options? Thanks again!
  3. Thank you both very much! I currently have a marker saved with a macro to give me the dimension from finished floor, to the finished ceiling. Alaskan, are saying that I can draw my 10" cad box with invisible lines and grab it and the marker to create a CAD block? Will the macro still work even though it is now in a CAD block? I will admit, I know VERY little about how to write macros, and I used Rene Rabbitt's Macro bot to create the one that I use for this. Sorry if I am not following, thanks again!
  4. Hello, we have been dealing with this issue for a couple of months, and we are getting frustrated with it. It seems like almost every time we open a plan, the labels are all wonky. All we have to do is grab the label and move it and it corrects itself. This has also been happening on our layout page information. I was just curious if anyone else has dealt with this, and if there might be an easy solution. One thing to note, is that we have multiple users and locations. We haven't done any testing to see if this is happening when different ppl get into the plans, but that may be the next step. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!
  5. This is probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway. When I prep our wall elevations for layout, I always place an elevation marker in the top left corner that shows the aprox. ceiling height. I am also very OCD about how things look on the layout, so whenever I place those markers, I draw a 10" cad box that will snap to the corner of the elevation, and then I snap the marker to the corner of the cad box. This makes it so that all of the markers have a 10" offset from the view, in every view. Is there a way to achieve this offset without the step of drawing a cad box?
  6. In regards to sharing toolbars, I found some info. I was able to create an Electrical Configuration toolbar on my home computer, and then I copied the toolbar folder from my Chief data file and I was able to import it to my office computer. The only negative, is it does not transfer the custom tool icons, and it is not a "live" folder, so each time you want to make a new configuration, you need to save a new copy of the toolbar folder. I believe that Rene Rabbitt has a video that might let you transfer the custom icons as well. I have only browsed that video, and haven't quite taken a deep dive. I do wish that Chief would make it easier to transfer things like toolbars and libraries between users!
  7. Hello, does anyone know if there is a way to make a glass wall, not leave a gap in the crown molding? Honestly, I have gotten to the point where I am manually drawing most of my millwork, but I thought I would ask about the crown specifically when using a glass wall, thanks!
  8. Thank you DBC, this worked! You wouldn't happen to know if you can link a toolbar config with a specific plan view, would you? I would like to go to my electrical saved plan view and already have the electrical tool config ready to go. I haven't found anything yet.
  9. Thanks for everyone's help! I figured out that you can grab the diamond for the icon column and this will change the size of the schedule icon. Everything is working how I want it to, thanks!
  10. Hi, does anyone know how to create a custom icon for a specific toolbar configuration? I will make more once I learn how, but right now I want to use a lightning bolt for the electrical toolbar configuration that I have created, thanks!
  11. Thanks guys! Gene your view is perfect. I want the size to stay the same in the actual schedule, similar to what you have shown, but i want to be able to shrink the note callout size in the elevation view to be able to place it on a cabinet drawer for example, without hiding too much detail. I haven't tried DBC's suggestion yet, but right now if I adjust the size in either location, it affects it in the other location.
  12. Hello, I work for a design/build remodeling company, and something I am trying is to put note callouts on our elevations, for items like kitchen cab accessories, etc. I know how to make new notes and corresponding schedules, but I want to make the elevation callout smaller, while keeping the schedule symbol at a larger size. I have messed with this a bit, but can't figure it out. Right now, if I resize the elevation callout, it also resizes the symbol on the schedule. I thought it might be worth asking if this is possible to have them be different sizes in the different views, thanks!
  13. Hello, as I build out our template, I am wondering if there is a way to have separate wall hatchings for each saved plan view. I have made a couple of custom layers to test this, but it doesn't look like it will work in the way that I would like. Any thoughts?
  14. Hello, I am tweaking our door and window schedules, to better inform our framers, and I have found that we can add a bottom elevation to a window. The issue I am having, it that the number is the finished elevation, and I want it to be the rough elevation. Is there a simple way to modify this macro to make the number show as rough? %bottom_elevation%