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Everything posted by C4Adrafting

  1. I'm sorry I can't post the plan...still too big after compressing. In the image I've shown a wall between a Loft space that should be open to the Great Room below. When the wall is selected as an invisible or solid wall everything is fine, but when I switch the wall type to Railing, is acts as if the wall definition is removed and the two spaces become a single room. It was working perfectly yesterday, but I broke it today. Any ideas what I'm missing? Thanks,
  2. I have imported site data (property lines, topo, etc.) from an engineer's DWG file. Now I have to rotate and align the site data with my house plan. My thought is to group the site objects together so that I can move and rotate all of those objects as a single object. Because of the different types of objects imported from the DWG, I can't seem to make a cad block or a symbol. I don't dare try to manipulate all of the imported objects because I would have to select each of them for every command (move, rotate, etc), which would be impossible. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Does anyone have a favorite way to do wall pop-outs? In the attached image I received from the architect, the red arrows show the pop-outs I need to create. If I make another wall type with a double framed wall the exterior finish does not wrap around the ends (blue arrows). What am I missing? Thanks
  4. I'm trying to place a section of gravel on a grass terrain perimeter. I've tried a material region, but I can't place it lower than the adjacent floor height. How can I show these two materials on the terrain? Thanks
  5. Is there any way to justify the text of a note schedule vertically? (Top and bottom) I can't seem to locate how to align the note number with the top line of the note description. Am I missing something?