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Everything posted by Lynne22

  1. I figured it out, just by looking at your picture. Thanks for the helpful hint.
  2. Could you upload the plan? If I can see what you did, I'll try it on my plan. Thanks.
  3. Sorry, another how to build this roof question, but this one has stumped me for quite a while. This is a model of my sisters actual house, and I cannot get the direction of the hip right, nor can I get the roof to resolve with the bonus room, even if I build a new floor, or increase ceiling in the garage and treat the space like an attic. I have the entire plan done, to the letter, but the roof is slaying me. I have the front garage wall set to gable, the rest hip. Interior ceilings are 9'. To me, it looks like the pitch of the roof above garage is 12 pitch, the rest, not sure, but possibly lower?. I have tried to do planes manually, waste of time. I am attaching pix of the same type house as she has, from the top and front. Also, in reality, on the garage side, at the back of her house, there is a slight downward turn at the edge. Never seen that before. Attaching a pic of that as well. Guessing it's because of a pitch change? The house is 40' wide, by 53' long, which is why I think I can't get the hip to do what they did in reality. The pointy side always faces front. I need the long side to face front. If I shorten the house, auto build changes the hip the way I need it to be. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated, attaching pix of all issues discussed. Thanks in advance. I have access to multiple versions of CA, up to X12. I've been using CA for about 15 years.