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Everything posted by cmykchief

  1. I got it. Thank you. This tutorial was helpful for me, using the Auto Roof Return as a starting point. It helped me have a better understanding of what I'm looking at in floor plan mode when I'm drawing a roof plane. I agree it seems like it should be as easy as working with a full gable wall. Your video example was the exact frustration I was feeling when trying to figure this out. The ability to have that as an Auto Rebuild option would be invaluable to someone like me who inevitably will need to make adjustments to floor plans as I learn the ins and outs of this industry. Thank you both for your help. J
  2. Hello, I am working on my first CA project ever, just picked up the program a couple weeks ago. As a lifelong graphic designer, my understanding and lingo is limited. I've researched for several hours trying to figure this out and feel like something is over my head. I have a plan that requires a dutch gable to be over the garage door, but the garage doesn't extend from the rest of the wall. I've played around with trying to fake the garage being extended (bumping it out ¼" or so). I've tried editing the roof planes, I've tried manually drawing the roof planes. I couldn't get this tutorial to work for me I feel like there should a quick, or easy way to accomplish this, ideally retaining Auto Rebuild for the roof. Thank you in advance for any help! If you need the plan uploaded, I can as soon as I figure out how to get the file size down.