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About CastleLake

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. @solver Ah, I see. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll head there! @MoeGia That makes sense. I think the solution works for Home Designer Pro as well. Just thought it would be simpler. Thank you! BTW, I used to be a camper (and then a camp counselor) at Grotonwood!
  2. Newbie to Home Designer Pro! I've watched a bunch of tutorials, taken the bootcamp, and searched the help system and forum... Seems like I'm missing something very simple? How do you make a wall that has exterior on both sides? For example: an exterior accent wall (like the pony wall (?) in the pic coming off the left-side of the entry) OR specifically the walls making up the exposed Covered Entry in the pic--which would have a foundation, ceiling, roof, and most-importantly an exterior layer (stone) on both sides? Do I need to create this type of wall from scratch? Isn't this a common thing? I've tried create a new wall type and altering a specific drawn exterior wall to no avail. Scratching my head here and feeling silly that I can't figure it out!