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Everything posted by Nilydm

  1. Thanks Eric! I will download AutoCAD Viewer and try it out. This is a great idea. I can check my work this way.
  2. Thank You EricEPV, The article you shared and training videos is what taught me how to use Export Current View option. I did reference the same material to use the Export All Floors and I am not quite sure I am performing the steps that should be self explanatory to some. Since I do not have AutoCAD, I am not able to see exactly what the engineers will see on their end. So you are saying they will see all the floors on one floor and they will have to switch off layers? Thanks for all your help in advance! It would be great if anyone knew of a video tutorial on using Exporting All Floors. I am more of a visual learner I guess. Thanks everyone!
  3. Good afternoon, I am kind of new to Chief Architect (CA) - I do have my professional certificate and have created quiet a few plans so far. Single story mainly, very straight forward "spec home" types. Now, I have a job for a river house which required a lot of details and is multiple stories. I am working with a new structural engineer and a new truss engineer who want DWG files. I am used to working with our partner engineer that starts the design in CAD from scratch just because that's how he likes to do it. Lol!! What I know today only exports one floor at a time. File>Export>Export Current View> Select Compatible Version>Select LayerSet = Working Plan or I have mine named Architectural Plan 1/4">Scaling Unit = in> Turn off all boxes checked off. When I try to export all floors there are a lot more steps involved. I still tried a few scenarios and export the file. When I import the file back into CA, all the floors end up in one layer. File>Export>Export All Floors Many, many thanks in advance for your responses! Nily