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Everything posted by Ryan_Birse

  1. That worked perfectly. I needed to have the "Resize About" the "Wall Center" Thanks a bunch!
  2. Hello Everyone, I am using Premier X13 and designing a house for my family and had a question about switching my wall layers. I have created a custom wall type as we are going to be building a Hempcrete house. Currently I have a 12" thick foundation wall with a 2x6 treated sill. The walls that sit on top of the foundation are currently in this order. 1) 3/4" Lime plaster (exterior layer) 2) 3 1/4" Spray applied Hempcrete (exterior layer) 3) 5 1/2" Fir framing (main layer) 4) 3 1/4" Spray applied Hempcrete (interior layer) 5) 1/2" Lime plaster (interior layer) We have decided that instead of the framing being located in the middle of the wall that we want the framing to be located on the exterior side of the wall, as such... 1) 3/4" Lime plaster (exterior layer) 2) 5 1/2" Fir framing (main layer) 3) 6 1/2" Spray applied Hempcrete (interior layer) 4) 1/2" Lime plaster (interior layer) I can easily make this change in the "Define" Wall types dialog. However, when I do this Chief moves the exterior walls inwards. I believe it is keeping the sill plate and framing centered over the foundation. I want the walls to remain in their current location with respect to the foundation. In my new wall the framing will be positioned so that the exterior edge of my framing is flush with the exterior edge of my foundation. Is there a way to make this happen? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!