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Everything posted by twnctyguy

  1. Tudra_Dweller: That did the trick...thanks!
  2. I have re-sized my lap siding to a 7" width. It is showing correctly in the elevation view, but shows as 4" in the perspective view. I've never had this issue before...I'm stumped. Pics and file attached...thanks.Talk Plan.plan Talk Plan.plan
  3. Is there a way to calculate square footage EXCLUDING exterior walls? Thanks.
  4. Eric: Of course...long obvious...thank you!
  5. See pics (and plan) attached. I have drawn walls, designated them as "roof cuts wall at bottom" but they refuse to show up in the interior and exterior perspective views. Any help is always appreciated...thanks! Feb 20 Second Floor.plan
  6. SNestor: Thank you...that worked! I don't know why, but it did.
  7. I admittedly still struggle after 5 years with dormers. In this instance, I got the shed dormer in. However I need to make some changes to the garage below and adjust the roof - labeled "A" in the pic below, and every time I do so the dormer disappears with the "can't find walls to attach it to" message. Any help is appreciated...thanks. Chief
  8. Question: How do I get rid of the piece of OSB (see pics below)? Obviously it has to do with the fact that I created a stair well under a sloped ceiling, but I can't be the only person who's ever done this. As always any help is appreciated...thanks!
  9. I've tried changing everything including the rafter size, and it doesn't help. Structure dbx attached.
  10. Tried that, it doesn't change anything. Further, I did a test plan setting the eave fascia default at 5", and it turned out fine, plus the settings under "structure" are identical to mine, ingluding the gable sub fascia.
  11. I changed the eave fascia from the standard 7 1/4" to 5" on the addition to the main house, but you can see what happened. I have no idea how to fix this. As always any help is appreciated.333 Lucy Street Plan.plan 333 Lucy Street Plan.plan
  12. Chopsaw: Thanks that did the trick. I've changed deck sizes 1,000 times and never encountered this issue...go figure!
  13. I shrank the depth of this deck by about 10" but I can't get rid of the funky edge...see pic below (file attached). Not sure what's wrong...any help is appreciated. June 8 Revisions.plan
  14. Chopsaw: Thanks that did the trick!
  15. Thanks. I DO typically use CAD lines for the site plan. In this instance I am following exactly what he does in the video: switching to plot plan view, adding a North arrow, and creating a perimeter with the length and angle boxes checked. But it still isn't picking up the correct angles on the labels. I can't figure it out!
  16. I can't get the terrain perimeter to sync with the north arrow dirNorth Arrow.planection...what am I missing? Sample plan attached...thanks.North Arrow.plan North Arrow.plan
  17. OK...I'll admit to being dumb...downloaded Substance do you actually open it?
  18. I am trying to take simple white subway tile and turn it into 12x24 vertical tiles in a grid pattern with the same grout profile. See pic below...what adjustment am I missing? Nov 5 PRIMARY BATH.plan
  19. I'm seeking someone with expert knowledge in ray tracing techniques (whom I will obviously pay) to set up a zoom meeting and guide me through it. I've spent endless hours watching the various videos, played with the sun and numerous light settings and just can't seem to get it right...thanks!
  20. Eric: Just to follow up: I was indeed able to edit the symbol, wasn't sure how to save it so I just saved it as a new symbol with a different title. Thanks again.
  21. Eric: To answer your questions: Yes the curved piece is a symbol in my library. Per your instructions I selected all and created a block, saved it to the library as a symbol and it worked perfectly. Thanks.
  22. I created a pergola, which inludes 3 pieces I created myself and columns pulled from the library. Two questions: 1. See the pic below. I wasn't paying attention and have a little lump on one side of the curved crosspieces. Once you have created and saved a polyline solid to your library, is it possible to edit it or do I have to start from scratch? 2. As I stated above, the pergola structure comprises 4 components. Is it possible to "marry" the components so that it's one piece? (vs. currently where I have to drop each of the 4 pieces into my plans) Or, should I have created it as one structure with multiple pieces when I originally drew it? Hope this all makes sense and thanks in advance. The fact that I've even figured out how to use the polyline tools is a minor miracle! Pergola Pieces.plan
  23. MarkMc & MPDesign: Thanks for the feedback. I did indeed make the changes you suggested, including changing the rafters to 4". That seems to have done the trick. I'm curious to get into the attic and see what's there, because they certainly can't be 10". Anyway, thanks again!
  24. Kbird1: Thanks, but then in adding the extra 6" at the top of the plate it moves the fascia up to a height that isn't correct with the dimensions and heights of the existing house. (Sigh.)
  25. Invariably when I'm working on an older house remodel, I can't achieve a flat ceiling in the interior and always end up with a portion of sloped ceiling along the exterior walls. (See attached pic.) My interior ceiling height is correct, the height of the windows is correct, the roof fascia and soffit heights are correct. This particular house is from 1948. Did they use smaller rafters? Different framing methods? Any help is always appreciated...thanks. Base Plan 10 Inch Walls.plan