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  1. I need to show there is a min 10 in tread depth at a 12" walkline measured 12 in from the point where foot can be placed on the narrow side of stairs. For some reason when I add a 12" walk line in chief it shows on the widest part of the stair and it also does not show on the winders for some reason. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to force 10" min tread depth at 12" walkline? How can I extend that walkline over the winders as for some reason Chief stops displaying the walkline at the winders?
  2. Is there a good way to display the stair count in Chief? Way to set a minimum 10"depth at walk line for winders?
  3. Does marking a foundation wall as a terrain retaining wall have same function as a terrain break?
  4. I have a door opening (using a door opening) because I want a drop concrete header. Is there a way I can replace the door with a railing and keep the opening in tact? The other thought was to make an opening an add a Juliet balcony however the door jam is over 12" so I have plenty of space to put a railing in between the opening.
  5. Any ideas on how you could create a roof plan in chief that would be compliant with these requirements: "All roofs shall have a minimum roof pitch of 4:12. The longest ridge line of the roof shall be roughly perpendicular to the shoreline; or for buildings at an angle, the ridge line most perpendicular to the shoreline (within 45 degrees of perpendicular)." The shoreline is parallel with the 60' length. Can do an additional 3' on any side for the eaves, so say the 16" side could be 22" "Story, half. A partial story under a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than three feet above the floor of the story, except that any partial story used for residence purposes, other than for a janitor or caretaker or his family, or by a family occupying the floor immediately below it, shall be deemed a full story."
  6. Good day does anyone have a 3d symbol for Belgard Turfstone or similar permeable paver. Something similar to the attached.
  7. Thanks do they always send to you in a certain scale? I have a dxf but not sure the scale tried using meters but it was super small changed to miles and can see things but still scale is not correct not sure what the scale is of the dxf
  8. Curious Is there a way with a 3D and 2D open to select something in 3D and it selects the same in 2D and vice versa?
  9. I have a bunch of elevation points from a GNSS RTK receiver in an app called SW Maps. I can export out in various formats KML, GPX, CSV, I believe even auto cad. Is there a way I can generate 1ft contour lines in Chief? If not any other software you would recommend to do this and then try to import and overlay into Chief?
  10. Is there a way to reset layer sets to the program default?
  11. Is this kind of the script you followed https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222382/get-lat-long-given-current-point-distance-and-bearing or this http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html I checked the x and y position and they are accurate in terms of feet so inseams to be something with the feet per latitude or longitude degree?
  12. What programming language does Chief use for Macros? Is this compatible with languages such as python?
  13. Trying to stake out some gps coordinates to see what the potential window view angles of are at those spots. Alternatively if someone knows of a good calculator or IOS app I basically need to be able to take a known GPS coordinate enter in a heading and distance in ideally quadrant bearing and decimal feet and have it calculate the gps coordinate I can use my GNSS RTK rover to navigate to.
  14. If you draw a line is right now I am getting Degrees Minutes Seconds as two whole numbers is there a way to show two decimal places in the seconds field?