I am using the MAC version of X14. When I send a scaled drawing ( usually a site plan scaled 1" = 20') to Layout, and print it directly from the program to my large format printer (24 x 36), the printed image always prints to scale. No problem. When I print it as a PDF, the image scale is always about 5%-8% smaller, and won't measure correctly using a standard engineering rule. Mac lets you select how you want the image to print (print to scale, print to fit paper). When I select "print to scale" at 100%, the printed image is always smaller than it was drawn, and the called out dimensions don't match the actual line lengths. Has anyone else had this problem? We generate and sent PDF plan sets all the time, but can't do this anymore if the printed versions don't scale correctly. Just had my third different plan set rejected by the plan checker as printed image differs from displayed dimensions. HELP!