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  1. Frame Rate drop Frame Rate is how many frames the screen flashes in 1 minute (good 60fps > 30fps bad) When the Computer Processor is overloaded with more and greater detailed items, the fps slows down to capture as much detail as possible but causes the screen to stutter, freeze or even crash the operation completely and close the program.
  2. Insulation is between the studs and wall finishes so it doesn't take up any additional space so anything other than a thin black line would make the overall wall width thicker than it is in reality. If it is understood that there are wall plates present at all times, just change the Main Layer of the Wall Type to your Insulation Hatch (possibly show stud locations so it is visible that the Top Wall Plate is not shown) OR While in Wall Type, use Insert Above or Insert Below and set a new layer for the Insulation and remove the thickness of the Insulation from the wall finish layer so the overall width will still be correct See Attachment: Interior wall finish is 3/4" in reality
  3. For Default Floor Hatch Go to Default Settings > Floors and Rooms > Current Floor > Fill Style > Set the the fill how you want the default to be If you want the Fill to be set but don't want it to autofill then set the Fill back to None once the parameters are set for the Default. For Default Wall Hatch You need to create a Wall Type that fits your parameters then set that Wall Type as your Default. When adding another layer to the wall, it takes all of the parameters of the layer that you are currently on