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Posts posted by MartyBoyd

  1. Hi,

    I break my wall using break tool but when I move it it reconnects with the wall forming only one wall instead of two. Is this possible or do I need to always rebreak my wall?

    X12 on Windows 10


  2. Can't believe this still hasn't been fixed. So close but yet.

    The function of importing "Window Symbols" should not be available if it can't work correctly.

    Can't imagine anyone using this function if the new windows don't display correctly in plan view.

    If anyone from Chief Architect is listening please, please fix this. I'm sure this would make a lot of people happy.


  3. On 3/28/2020 at 3:26 PM, Renerabbitt said:

    Importing windows and creating windows has been a problem in the program a very long time... still wish I could make my custom Marvin Windows work correctly.

    Hi Rene, love your videos.

    I also wish I could quickly import my custom windows. I got them to display correctly in 3D but in 2D (plan view) they are represented outside of the wall.
    Any solutions?


    Sketchup Windows.png

  4. On 3/19/2020 at 9:10 PM, Boogdaddy said:

    Quick Background on me: 35+ years of residential and light commercial design. I am old school in that I learned and have always done my work, from preliminary sketching through construction documents with pencils, pens, layover and vellum. My father was a very talented illustrator who moonlighted drawing house plans, so I've been around design my entire life. However, I have reached the point where I can not even purchase the tools and materials I use day-to-day anymore. There is not enough market for it so manufacturers of drafting equipment have literally just closed up shop. Coupled with my desire to get away from hand drafting, and here I am. I have spent the last several weeks researching which program will work best for me. I'm a one-man outfit, and I don't do as much work as I once did. I occasionally build my own designs, both for myself and for clients. I have already purchased hardware (iPad Pro and MacBook Pro). I have already started doing preliminary design on the iPad using Morpholio Trace and Procreate. I'm surprised with using the Apple Pencil how little my preliminary design has changed.


    I am VERY particular how my drawings look. Will CA be customizable enough to satisfy my particular taste? Are things like how dimension lines and tick marks appear things that I can customize? I do not like how they look in the default mode. The arrows are a definite no for me. The super thin tick marks that are the same line weight as the dimension line are also a no. Can I go into CA after I get some training and time under my belt and change the way things are to make my drawings appear just slightly more like quality hand-drawn plans?

    Quick Answer. CA cannot extend dimension lines past the tick mark.

    It has a bunch of arrow styles but not one extends past the Tick/Arrow mark like on most residential plans.

    Please, please CA make this simple Tick / Arrow.

  5. Hi,

    I managed to change the look of the window symbol in plan view put it is now inserting the window offset from the wall in 3D.
    Just took a simple window, converted to symbol and assigned none to 2D block. (also tried with other Cad block with same results)

    See included images. Have inserted both type of windows, the one not in the wall is the new symbol.

    Chief Architect x12

    Please help.


    CA Plan Symbol 1.png

    CA Plan Symbol Dialog.png