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Everything posted by Noblegencon

  1. Thank you Mark I did import a converted pdf to a dwg. I will be sending this to the converting software company this morning per their request.
  2. I wanted to check scale against existing. The plan I imported for example has a 15' dimension spelled out from septic tank to back of house foundation. Using my point to point I draw the line and it does not snap a measurement just a "1" where I start to drag and a "2" until I release my left mouse button where I end it. Point one and point 2. The dimension if really zoom in says 560' I need it to be 15'. My line is above the existing 15' in the picture.
  3. I did the signature not sure why it posted here.
  4. Lines I create yes they are. I purchased the conversion app from ms store. Do you know of any that do pick up on the vector? test.plan
  5. I converted a pdf to dwg. Got pretty excited about it!............. But I can not dimension/measure. Even if i use the tape measure nothing....... any help?