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Posts posted by jonow6

  1. Chief has been really getting to me on this one...

    I have a plan with cathedral ceilings. For whatever reason when I enable the 'Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof', Chief decides to put the drywall finish above the roof plane and the siding below... opposite to what it should be.

    I've messed around with the settings for about an hour and can figure out why Chief is being such a Glitchmaster :P


    Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

    See attached screenshots and plan file






  2. Anyone know of a quick way to change between wall types?..


    I know you can just do Ctr+E and do it through the DBX, but just wonder if there is a way to put the wall type drop-down in a tool pallet.

    That way you could either select a wall in your plan and use the drop-down to change the wall, or if you have the wall tool active but don't have a wall selected you could change the type in the drop-down and that would become your default wall type.


    Opening and closing DBX's gets old fast :P

    • Upvote 1
  3. I am having trouble getting the floor fill style to show on my floor plan.

    Under layers I have the "Floor Surfaces" layer turned on. Under each room I have gone into the Room Specs>Structure>Floor>Floor Finish and added a fill style, but for whatever reason I can't seem to get it to display... See the attached screenshot for reference

    Any ideas?..


  4. I'm having some trouble with designing up a split level. I've tried looking at some videos and help articles but they don't seem to give me any direction.


    The project is an existing house with four separate split levels:

    (1) - Full basement and crawl space below the lower level

    (2) - Lower level (at grade)

    (3) - Main level (above the full basement)

    (4) - Upper level (above the lower level)


    I am designing the house to be two units, with the basement and lower level being one unit, and the main and upper level being another. See attached sketch.

    The issue I am having is that Chief doesn't seem to look too kindly on split levels... I need to show the crawl space, lower unit and upper unit on separate levels/layouts. 


    Any ideas on the best way to start laying this out?... Should I do the crawl space on level 0, the lower unit on level 1 and the upper unit on level 2?..



  5. 15 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    Check out the text style for the framing label layer. You can edit it to not be transparent.

    Checked that and it appears that it is adding a background fill but the framing members are 'in front' or 'on top of' of the label in terms of drawing order.

    See the screenshots - The first pic shows is with the text transparency on, and the second is with it off. I have a bracket that shows the text background fill is working, but it is not on top of the framing members... Is there a way to change the drawing order/priority?



  6. Is there a way to background fill labels?

    For example, in a framing plan the labels that are dropped in automatically (which is a nice feature) can be difficult to read because of the lines from the framing members. I have the manual labels set to have a filled background with limited transparency, but can't figure out how to do it with labels...

    Don't really want to have to make manual labels if the program is already generating them for me. Thanks


  7. Hello all,

    I am having trouble with exterior trim disappearing when using a wall type with an exterior strapping (furring) layer. See the attached screenshots.

    One shows the trim showing properly with the standard wall type without any exterior strapping, but the other screenshot shows the trim missing when a strapping layer is added...

    Any thoughts?..



  8. 17 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    You can override globally when you send to layout. Check the box for PATTERN line weight and color. When you use that method, you loose the ability to control line weights from you layer/anno set, but it will accomplish what you are looking for.


    Tried this when sending to layout, but makes all line colour and weights the same and only gives me the option when sending elevations. Would like the wall pattern to be lighter and less pronounced than the wall outlines.

    Forgive me for mentioning Revit, but this is a simple feature it has to help keep drawings clean and not too busy (see attached). Would like to try and find a relatively straightforward way to do the same in Chief if possible.
