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  1. I am not sure how to get it to change to a strip footing so I just uncheck the option to create wall/footing below and draw two lines and chang them to dashed so they match the footing lines. Not quite what you are looking for but it will work. I am interested to see if there is a way to have chief do this automatically.
  2. For some reason in my elevation view the siding is getting removed from under the bay window. It looks correct in the floor plan and 3d view. Anyone know how to fix my elevation view? Thanks for the help. plan.zip
  3. I have selected same height eaves and for some reason one gable end has a 24" overhang and the other end is 12" like the hip walls.
  4. I have auto roofs on. Why are some of my roofs showing with a 2' overhang and why are some of the fascia's not aligning? Thank you for the help. house plan.zip
  5. Attached is my plan and a picture with a red line showing where I would like a retaining wall. I am playing around with terrain lines but can't get it to look quite right. Thanks for the help. plan.zip
  6. I am trying to design a house that will have 12' tall studs and the floor joists will be installed so the bottom of the floor joist is at the 8' height. The stud wall will extend up 3' above the floor joist to provide a knee wall for the 2nd story loft. How do I create this look in chief architect? Attached is a section of the house showing what I am trying to do.
  7. How do I get my stairs to have a railing at the lower part and then a full wall at the upper part? Like this attached picture.
  8. thanks. can you post the plan here so I can see what you did
  9. Steve, can you get it work with this plan? I tried to gable line tool but I can't get it to work. Thanks for the help. house.zip
  10. I believe what you are looking for is under default settings - floors and rooms - floor levels - 2nd floor - floor structure on the bottom of the dialog box
  11. Chief automatically puts double floor joists under partition walls above even if they are non-load bearing. Is there a way to change this so double joists are not created?
  12. Is it possible to change the deck framing so the support beam and posts are not recessed. Sometimes my client wants the support post and beam to be on the outside edge of the deck. If the deck extends 12' from the house they want the outside edge of the support beam to be at the 12' distance not at 10'-9 1/2" like chief auto does.