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  1. Does anyone have any suggestions for adding the deck louver detail below the header in the attached pictures? We are adding 2 more covered decks on a different side of this house and they would like to match this detail. I am using CA 16
  2. I ended up creating a new CAD to Detail from the section. Then it blocked fine. I assume CA didn't like the additional blocks added into the detail. So before it will block - The blocks of Insulation, framing, etc have to be unblocked first. Which in part doesn't make sense, because a window is a block and you can block two for a mulled unit.
  3. Thanks for the input. I will contact Tech. I so create the CAD Detail from the section view then , edit. Sometimes adding blocks like framing , insulation etc. but I’ve done this before with other section drawings and it’s worked fine.
  4. I have a wall section detail in my plan as a CAD detail and I have tried to create a CAD block to add to my library. Every time I group select the details and hit the "create Cad block" button - It shuts down CA completely. It seems like a strange glitch. Has anyone encountered this issue with CA 15?
  5. Thank You Eric. I normally do the molding polyline, but was hoping CA offered a quick click to finish the Frieze with out doing that.
  6. Can Anyone advise me if there is a setting to get the Gable return boxing & Frieze to look like the attached picture without doing manually with 3d polyline? I have attached pics of what it should look like and what CA builds with my current settings.
  7. Yes exactly! We are struggling with clients taking plans drawn to scale to “other” builders for quotes. There’s just too much info in CA that defeats our purpose. I would like to be able to present concept plans that makes it impossible for another builder to quote from. From a sales and marketing approach , give them less tech info and focus on the conceptual. So they’re forced to use us to get to the next level of the plan ... and another invoice before they take to market with other builders. S
  8. I’m curious if there’s anyway to render plan views in line drawing format? From a sales and marketing perspective we provide 2d plans and line drawing perspectives for “conceptual “ plan fees. And once clients commit to construction drawings and moving ahead with a project , we send more detailed views and plans with dimensions etc. Many architects will give hand drawn plan views before any hard lined CAD plans and in thinking of following that format , would love to give “conceptual plans “ a more conceptual “look”. Since all the work is done up front on CA .. in getting all the details of framing etc done before we start drawing , it would be nice to be able to turn down the detailed plans to look more conceptual ( with pencil smudges etc ) and then turn layers on for the work when charging a 2nd phase fee for construction plans. This is merely a marketing issue much like we do when presenting as built plans gray scaled out and dull and proposed plans with lots of color and energy ( we change text colors , dimension colors , notes etc. all to present a pallet that significantly reflects the change from their as built home to their potential new home. I haven’t found a way to do that in CA. And just wondered if anyone else is Looking for the same kind of controls of their plan views. Thanks for any help or advice. Jen K