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Everything posted by LordBeowulf

  1. Thanks for both answers, but perhaps you're missing the point of what I'm trying to accomplish. I had the entire house painted with one color doing the "paint by wall" approach, but every time I tweak a wall something always goes back to the default and I'm constantly repainting rooms. That's been an aggravating part of the software behavior, but I couldn't figure out how to change a default that would prevent that. Changing the colors of the walls on each housing layer in the defaults didn't behave as a default. A wall color always goes back to the drywall color and not the floor color. Now that I have all (or at least most) of my other "real" textures in place, I want to test different paint colors for the entire house WITHOUT having to go paint every room! That would take hours each time given how slow the reaction time is for this large model. Not to mention it's just stupid to have to do so vs. just being able to change a default color and have them all update. I finally discovered that the "use default" checkbox for materials goes all the way back to the base wall type to get the default color from the drywall (not the color specified for the floor) so that's where it needs to be fixed. But replacing the drywall with my color seems nonsense as well. I could create a "Painted Drywall" material that was my desired color and that would probably work, although again it's pretty dumb to have to do it that way. Running a test with a blank document, I still think there's something else wrong with the model. Even though putting the thicker sheetrock back as the outer layer makes it paint right (but at the wrong color) in 3D, the plan still shows the wall bare at the end. However, if I create a new plan and just draw an interior wall, it shows drywall wrapping around the end in the plan as well as 3D. Any idea how to fix that? I'm going to compare definitions to see if I can find something, but maybe someone knows what's happening. Thanks, Beo
  2. Read the post. CA X11. But it's apparent you're a bot, so... Beo
  3. So I've been trying to fix my plan so that I can change the default wall color and change all of the common walls in the house at once. After being frustrated about this for some time, I finally tracked the default "drywall" material all the way back to the wall definition itself, so that to do that (after going back and setting every room wall back to using the default) I'd have to call my drywall my paint color. Instead I decided to modify the wall definition and add a zero thickness paint layer to each side. That allows me to set the paint color and still have a drywall layer, but the apparent side effect (which I've encountered before so this may be something else) is that now all my end walls and art niches show bare studs. Is there a way to fix this without just putting the wall definitions back the way they were? And if not, is there some other way to force the default wall colors to be what I want without redefining drywall to be a half inch of paint?!! BTW, the first image is also showing another problem I have regularly with some added textures where they get weird color artifacts. That backsplash border is NOT supposed to be purple. I can fix it again by re-assigning the texture/material, but why is it happening? I'm using CA X11. Thanks, Beo