Can CA do timber framing somewhat easily?
Actually, I'm trying to design a greenhouse using 2"x2" square tubing and bolting it together. 16'x18' total
Designing it like timber framing which I'll then put a poly skin over it.
I want it to butt up along the side of the south facing wall of the house. About 16' high wall next to the house. 16' high wall roof point going out about 8' or so then slanting down to connect to the south wall which will be about 8' high. then have a pad (2nd floor) 8' high, 18' long, 8-10' wide. the south side slant will be in the 40-55 degree range once i figure out the angle of the sun. and wrap around stairs going up to the second floor from the slanted side of the roof.
I have CA 10 and am thinking of upgrading to the new version. I'm using the trial now to get a feel for the differences.
I haven't used the program in quite sometime. so i'm still learning all the ins and outs.