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Everything posted by rbytnar

  1. Thanks, AS  I will start that long delayed task this afternoon.  I just looked up some great looking videos on the video tutorial site, so will go there. 


    Thanks again.

    1. Alaskan_Son


      Don't feel like you always have to go to the tutorials and videos.  Those can eat up an astronomical sum of time.  Sometimes the best route is to just use the Help files. 

  2. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thanks to everyone who responded with comments and information that helped me realize my problem. Not as big as I thought it was. I simply set my worksheet to the center of my screen (aligning the scroll bars to the center of the screen), then cut my 2nd floor plan, went to the 1st floor, centered everything, returned to the 2nd floor and pasted the plan in the center of the screen at an appropriate size. Ta-Da. So again you all can talk about "operator headspace", but understand you have helped another new user. Bob Bytnar
  3. OK, I have removed everything but the walls from my plan copy. FYI the walls are in color because I drew this plan from a PDF file of the original home plan from 24 years ago. Thanks again for your help and consideration. Bob BobNeedsHelp.zip
  4. Good Day Eric, As a new user I am not familiar with the protocol for using this site. However I am grateful for any assistance that can be shared. I am using Chief Architect Premier X13 (most current version loaded) on a MAC with Big Sur version 11.4. Chief appears to be functioning properly as far as opening, loading, saving, page refresh, etc. However I have been working on this plan for some time and have not noticed any issues. Suddenly there has been this issue where I have been working on one level (1) and switched to level (2) only to find that the previously displayed floor plan for level (2) is missing. I have been able to search around the workspace to find a greatly reduced version of the level (2) work. This takes some time, but I bring that image to useable size only to find that the level (1) work is missing. While I can search, find and resize level (1) work, I am now in a vicious circle where I keep "loosing" my work when I switch between floor levels. I have been able to retrieve my work by closing out the .plan file and reloading it, however I lose everything I worked on since the last save. Please note the three files below. I was not able to send the .plan file because it is 60mb. Your kind assistance helping this novice user would be greatly appreciated. Robert Bytnar Grand Cayman Island
  5. I have been working on a two story house plan. There are two floors. When working on the first floor, I then select the second floor only to see it gone. Upon some searching, I find it greatly reduced in an obscure are of the drawing sheet. I then clip the drawing, re-size and move to the center of the drawing sheet on that floor. Then I paste my saved clip and it appears, nicely centered on the grid. However if I switch to floor one, that plan is missing. I cannot seem to get my two floors of plans alined to show in the center of the screen (worksheet) when switching back and forth. Obvious, this is a HUGE time waster. Does anyone have any suggest, or can someone help. I am using X13. Thanks, Robert Bytnar