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Posts posted by vikiw_bend

  1. I am embarking on selling stock plans and will need to offer a CAD package. I have never exported a CA plan or layout to .dwg and could use some helpful advice. First, I won't have any idea what version of ACAD the person is using. Second, do I turn all my layers on and select "all floors" - that would be the same mess I get when I import a .dwg. Or, do I open each plan view and cross section or CAD file and export each one as a separate .dwg? Or is it possible to export from the layout page to a .dwg? If so, will the person be able to isolate the different views in order to work on them? As you can tell, I'm completely clueless on this topic. Also, since I don't have ACAD, I'll send a sample plan to a friend who does to see if it comes through ok. Or, is there a cheap or free program that let's me look at the .dwg file as it will be to the end user?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi Stephen, I checked out the other post as well, and you have some great ideas. I'm going to try them out. This has been frustrating, because I need to be designing and drawing stock plans, not spending so much time trying to learn another program (Twinmotion). I can pay for a few renderings, but until I start selling plans, I can't have professional renderings for each one of them. Chicken and egg situation, since the renderings are so important in grabbing the potential buyer, but I can't pay for renderings unless those potential buyers sign on :)

    I appreciate your input and the other input I've received from the Forum members. You guys all rock.

  3. I pretty much tried to do that, but for me it wasn't as easy as you make it sound - Haha. Trying to get accustomed to the UI, figuring out what did what and then oops! didn't mean to do that. The usual rank beginner stuff. Now I'm back in Chief adding grass regions, learning to create bumpmaps of textures, to see if I can improve the rendering without having to learn an entirely different program. I'll muddle through one way or the other. :)

  4. I can post the one I'm trying to work on right now. As for what I'm trying to achieve, whatever are the best looking ones on any of the plan websites, like,

    Zonda folks mostly didn't like the quality of the landscaping.


    Stewart PBR.jpg

  5. Robert, as I mentioned in my post, the folks at Zonda Media have declared my renderings (in Chief) to be unsatisfactory. I may be able to up my game in Chief, but it is the houses with actual photographs or photo-realistic renderings that sell the best, according to Zonda.

  6. At IBS recently, I talked with one of the stock plan people at Zonda Media, since my goal is to get into that market. I brought some examples, with Chief X15 PBR renderings touched up in Photoshop. They do not pass muster at Zonda, which dominates the stock plan market with several websites. I was told the renderings need to be more photo-realistic. Chief's rendering capabilities are better than ever, and are excellent for showing clients, contractors, putting on your website, etc. But apparently, if you want to sell plans on the market, you have to go a step further.

    Consequently I downloaded Twinmotion (they still have a free version with abbreviated functions) and I'm trying to learn it. Eventually I will need to hire out the rendering to people far more skilled than I, but I at least want to run a rendering past my contact at Zonda to see if it is more acceptable.

    Anyone have input on learning Twinmotion? Recommended tutorials? I keep making mistakes that aren't covered in the tutorial I've been watching. Frustrating.

  7. I've been getting a Critical Error message and can't resolve it. I have full permissions, I can get to the file in question, but then what? Windows has been acting weird. So I wonder if doing a reset would be a good idea? Reset keeps your data files but removes programs. Does anyone know if it saves your .exe files, or does it delete those too? Anyone have a good solution for this Critical Error? The knowledge base didn't help enough.

    Criticall Error message details.psd