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  1. I have just added a couple of screen shots of the problem if it helps.
  2. I have several full height interior walls that are 300 mm wide with shelving between. These walls originally showed drywall on the ends of them, but now the drywall layer has gone showing the framing. This is in both the plan view and the camera view. Is it possible that I have changed a setting which has remove this. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I started creating this plan in X9 and previous saved files are ok, but then I upgraded to X10 part way through the design.
  3. Since starting with X6 and now upgrade to X7, I'm finding the rendering of images on the outer areas are stretched and distorted especially when rendering images in confined rooms. Is the are setting to adjust the perspective view so it looks more realistic and less stretched?
  4. I'm using X7 and can't find an answer in the help search to this question. I am wanting to connect two stair lights to two switches that are on different floors. The first switch and lights are placed, and connected on the second floor layer and the second switch is on the first floor layer. It is this first floor switch I'm wanting to connect to, to make it a two way.