Hi all,
I have a question about tile patterns and wall coverings. I have a shower wall on which I want (bottom to top) two full 12x12 tiles, then a 4" strip of a mosaic, then two more full tiles, another 4" strip, etc. I currently have the tile, which has a texture and a pattern, applied to the wall and wall coverings for the 4" mosaics. In the elevation view, the pattern of the 12x12 tiles is shown as if the wall coverings aren't there, ie directly adjacent to each other underneath the mosaic, instead of being two full tiles in between the mosaics. I've attached two photos, one of the results using the tile patterns, and what I want to achieve using patterns, but have drawn in using CAD lines as a placeholder. Of course, drawing lines directly on elevations is not a long term solution, so does anyone have any ideas? Am I missing a settings page somewhere?
Thanks very much
X9 user