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  1. Steve, Thank you soooooo much Sir. I'll give it a shot. Appreciate the quickly reply. LOVE THIS FORUM Roz
  2. Screen shot is attached. Thanks Roz
  3. Hello folks. I have spent the past hour or so trying to figure out why Chief shows two weird lines in the Framing, Ceiling Plan View. They even appear when I send this view to layout. I'm unable to select them and thus delete them. Its driving me crazy. Any help is greatly appreciated. File is in X12 Roz
  4. Disregard, I now see the roof area for the metal roof. I'd never done a metal roof before, so I didn't know how it shows. I see it now. Thx all
  5. Yes, I believe shingles would give me what I'm after. However, I'm using a metal roof. I guess I can always switch back to shingles just to get my calculation then change back to metal when I need. Thanks all
  6. Hi Folks, Anyway to calculate the square footage/area of the roof...taking the roof pitch into consideration, as well? Thx
  7. Hi Graham, Yes; I JUST saw a video of X12's new features! Awesome, thanks. Roz
  8. Hello Folks, Anyone have a tutorial, how-to guide, for creating a curved soffit? I'm trying to produce something similar to the attached pic. I'm familiar with creating square ceiling soffits, but I'm interested in how to curve it. I'm using CA X11. Thanks always Roz
  9. Hi Folks, I feel silly for asking this. But how can I get my trusses to automatic label? I've tried extensively and must be doing something wrong. I have the proper layers turned on but cannot get CA to auto label my trusses. I'm using X11. Many thanks Roz Jackson.plan
  10. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your responses and assistance. Roz
  11. Solver, Did you redraw the entire covered room area with invisible walls? All four wall of the room? Or did you draw the invisible walls inside of the existing covered patio room? Been trying to reproduce your perfect solution....with no success. Can you post your plan? Thx
  12. Wow! This is exactly what I'm looking for. Did you draw invisible walls around the entire covered patio, to create a room? Do you mind posting your modified plan? I use X8. Thanks sooooooooooooo much Roz
  13. I just realized I didn't submit my plan. It is now attached. I might be saying the wrong thing. Whenever I create a similar design, I "break" the roof plane on the two sides, then I make the "separated" roof area a full/gable wall. But since my patio space doesn't have walls, I don't know how to do it. My plan is attached. Thanks again DECKOFFPATIO_FACEHOUSE_v2_SIDEWAYS_CLOSER_v2_PLAY.plan
  14. I manually drew the roof plane. I just can't seem to separate the roof area where I want the cricket. Will keep trying.