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  1. @robdyck I've had several building departments ask for it labeled on the item in the plans rather than in the schedule. I agree it is a bit lazy on their part and redundant on mine, but if it helps clarify my scope of work I guess I understand.
  2. @HumbleChief The last way you posted works perfectly! I had to rearrange my schedule a bit in my template, but it totally works! The only downside is that it gets rid of my label callouts, but I can live with that.
  3. @HumbleChief That just changes the label of the fixture in the schedule rather than the Number on the plans.
  4. I use a fixture schedule with labels to call out the specifics of each fixture. Something that would be really useful is if I could get a "New" or "Existing" included into the label that is referenced in the schedule. So the label would read something like, "New A11". I have been trying to use "%comment% A" in the Label Prefix under Label Text in the Label settings for the schedule (where my comment says "New" or "Existing"), but it is not recognizing the macro. My main goal is to have the "New" or "Existing" show up as part of the label on the plans rather than just in the schedule as it is a pain for the building departments and contractors to reference the schedule a billion times to figure out what is changing. See screenshots below for further clarification. Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. Contact for a formal response to your questions. Thanks !!
  6. Thank you so much for sharing! I also learned a lot about manipulating the macros from your video that I will most definitely be putting to use. I updated all my defaults and it is working flawlessly!
  7. I would like to find out if there is a way to have a different label for windows and doors based on different layer sets. I would like to use my window schedule (with labels) for my main floor plan layer set, but would like it if the headers were just auto-labeled on my wall framing plan with the header sizes. I can create a custom label that updates the header size per the window or door ((2) 2x%header_depth% Header), which I just put into my default window and door labels. However, I can only get one or the other to show up in both layer sets as I have to edit the object to tell it which label to display.