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Everything posted by CdnGuy

  1. Ah. Thank you, Solver, for letting me know about the HomeTalk forum. I'm not sure how I ended up here. And thank you, glennw for the pointer on the Relative Ceiling Height.
  2. I'm modelling our current home, which is a 140 year old, balloon framed, two storey home. I'm also very new to HomeDesigner Pro 2018, gone through the instruction tutorial, and still struggling. My problem is the second storey. I can't seem to make the wall heights work the way the house is built. The exterior walls are about 4' high, then there's the slope of the rafters taking up the next 3 to 4 feet, then the ceiling. I tried making the second storey walls short. Not good. I tried checking off the first storey walls as being balloon framed and making the height about 12 feet. Not good. I'm not looking for someone to tell me how to do it, exactly, but just a nudge in the right direction please.