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Everything posted by kucelkj

  1. More details: The building is a 32 x 40 man garage built on grade with an apartment above it. The floor that will go in the notch is a 4" concrete floor. The wall will rise above the concrete floor by 12"-16" so I can clean items in the garage without messing up drywall. The garage will have a rough height of 10'. The 4" concrete floor will utilize radiant heat to heat the garage. That same boiler will heat the apartment.
  2. Okay, here you go. Software: I'm using X8 Premier Wall representation: both 3D view accuracy: okay is good enough. Show joints or recess: No Goal: The goal is to create my own architectural drawings for a building permit and accurate enough to satisfy a Code Enforcement Officer Pictures: I've attached it. It is a four view of the foundation wall object I'd like to make. I want to create a foundation wall object like the one below that will be accurate. Or at least modify an existing one. It doesn't have to be a custom object. You tell me what's best!
  3. I'm sure I'm mixing up the terms as I'm not a pro. Here's a link to a video that will shed some light: http://specialtyprecast.com/specialty-precast-installation-video/
  4. Yes, that is what I'm talking about. The website for the company is http://specialtyprecast.com/ Their manufacturing facility is 45 minutes from the job site.
  5. Hi Solver, The precast wall will sit on 12" of 1b compacted limestone. Inside the limestone will be a drain on either side of the wall. The limestone will sit on virgin soil. The wall is 5' high. The depth of the dig will be 52". So 52" - 12" of limestone means the precast wall will protrude above grade by 20". I'm trying to include that in my drawing.
  6. I'm designing a footer using a 5' tall precast 5000 psi concrete wall for my footer. What is the best footer type to use to represent that or create custom wall type? Thanks, -Ken